Maranatha Media

Lamb Among the Wolves - Mead Maguire (1957)

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Added Dec 21, 2010

Lamb Among the Wolves - Mead Maguire (1957)


To be a genuine Christian means to be, in character and life, like Christ. Many who profess to be Christians and are members of a church show little difference in their lives from those who make no profession of religion. But one who, through the grace of Christ and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, has become a real Christian reveals a striking contrast to those who are not true Christians.
The real Christian climbs the narrow path, with relatively few companions, toward the City of God. Kind, loving, unselfish, he follows His divine Master and fulfills God's purpose for him. One
who is not a Christian travels the broad way, with the fellowship of the great throngs, who are interested in selfish pleasures and worldly ambitions and hold little regard for eternity.
With infinite love and mercy God is seeking in every land and among every nation to draw fallen human beings from darkness to light, from death to life. When through the influence of the Holy Spirit a soul is awakened to sense his sinful, lost condition and to long for salvation, with the peace and joy and victory that God promises, and turns from the broad downward road to the narrow upward path, he comes face to face with new and perplexing problems.
In this little book an attempt has been made to make plain and simple the answers to some of these problems. It has been written for the benefit of those who are earnestly longing and seeking
to follow the Master, to develop a Christlike character, and to accomplish the work God has for them.