Maranatha Media

Memorials of Calvary - Taylor Bunch (1962)

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Added Dec 21, 2010

Memorials of Calvary - Taylor Bunch (1962)


Here in this spiritually provocative volume are new veins of
thought that every seeker after truth will find joy in exploring.
Here are pointed out blessings that often lie untapped because we
do not grasp the meaning of the service. Here is inspiration and
new food for spiritual growth for every believer in the Second
From his lifelong ministry of the Word, and an unremitting
study of its import to the church in this last generation, Elder
Bunch in this praiseworthy volume gives new impetus to faith and
stirs a deeper dedication to God in those who at the communion
table "do shew the Lord's death till he come."
Associate Book Editor
Review and Herald