Maranatha Media

The Doctrine of Christ - W.W. Prescott (1920)

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Added Dec 21, 2010

The Doctrine of Christ - W.W. Prescott (1920)

The aim of these lessons is to present the essential doctrines of the everlasting gospel in their direct relation to the person of Christ, in order that the student may see and lay hold upon the truth as it
is in Jesus. No effort has been made to develop a scheme of systematic theology, and there is no discussion of a merely abstract theology; but the emphasis has been placed upon the meaning of the revelation of Christ as an experience in the life. A doctrine which is a mere theological proposition has no power to deliver one from the bondage of sin, and does not impart that peace and rest which are found in Christ. If lie is to be to us a Savior from sin, we must receive him as “ the way, the truth, and the life,” and we must not permit the knowledge of doctrines about him to obscure him in his blessed, fullness. In all our study we must behold with a clear vision “ the Lamb of God, that takes away the sin of the world.”

Only the Holy Spirit, the promised teacher of the truth, can make known to us “ the deep things of God,” and his aid should be definitely sought when we attempt to-comprehend the revelation of
Christ in the Scriptures. Every lesson should he studied and taught in the atmosphere of prayer.
W. W. Prescott