Maranatha Media

The Fountain of Life Opened Up - John Flavel (17th Cen)

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Added Dec 21, 2010

The Fountain of Life Opened Up - John Flavel (17th Cen)

From Sermon 1

The Fountain of Life
Sermon 1 Opens the Excellency of the Subject.
1 COR. 2: 2. For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
The former verse contains an apology for the plain and familiar manner of the apostle’s preaching, which was not (as he there tells them) with excellency of speech, or of wisdom; i. e. he studied not to gratify their curiosity with rhetorical strains, or philosophical niceties. In this he gives the reason, “for I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ,” &c.
“I determined not to know.” The meaning is not, that he simply despised, or condemned all other studies and knowledge; but so far only as they stand in competition with, or opposition to the
study and knowledge of Jesus Christ. And it is as if he should say, it is my stated, settled judgement; not a hasty, inconsiderate censure, but the product and issue of my most serious and exquisite
enquiries. After I have well weighed the case, turned it round, viewed it exactly on every side, balanced all advantages and disadvantages, pondered all things, that are fit to come into consideration
about it; this is the result and final determination, that all other knowledge, how profitable, how pleasant soever, is not worthy to be named in the same day with the knowledge of Jesus Christ.