Maranatha Media

Believe His Prophets - D.E. Rebok (1956)

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Added Dec 21, 2010


In September, 1952, the author, while serving as a member of the Ellen G. White Publications staff, gave at the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Conference a series of three Bible studies on the subject “The Spirit of Prophecy in the Remnant Church.” They were published in volume one of the reports of that conference, which bears the title Our Firm Foundation. Then in December, 1953, he was invited to give a series of twelve studies on the same theme to the workers assembled in Poona, India, at the time of a Southern Asia Division council. The division committee requested permission to put those studies in a small book to be supplied to our workers and English-speaking laymen. That book was published early in 1955 under the title Divine Guidance. Owing to the great interest on the part of our people, and in order to meet a still larger need for material on this very vital subject, the author has revised and enlarged the combined studies mentioned above, and now offers the result of that study and effort in this volume under the title Believe His Prophets. We hope that this book may fulfill its purpose in bringing together from so many sources that which will build greater and greater confidence in the messages God has seen fit to give to His people in these the last days of this world's history. God has spoken to His remnant church, and His people must hearken to that voice and walk in the light of that counsel.

D. E. Rebok