Maranatha Media

Sabbath School Q2 2024 - The Covenants

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Added Apr 04, 2024

What is the old covenant? What is the new covenant? What is the everlasting covenant? 

1.  The Purpose of God Towards Israel
2. The Purpose of God Towards Egypt
3. The Exodus from Egypt
4. The Crossing of the Red Sea
5. The Purpose of the Law
6. Why was the Law Added?
7.  The Old Covenant (Part 1)
8. The Old Covenant (Part 2)
9. The Ministration of Death
10. The Righteousness of God
11. Justified by Faith
12. Defining Faith
13. The Faith of Jesus

Based on the book Removing the Veil.

This Sabbath School is part 1. Check out part 2:The Way to Rest