Maranatha Media

Cascading Delight to the Character of God

Part of series Loving Character of our Father

This is an introduction to the book Gods of Egypt as Lightning from Heaven.

It traces the sequence of thought that led to my current examination of the Character of God. The sequence is important and if pieces are missing then it will be easy to misunderstand the current discussion

This is the journey sequence
1. Identity Wars - introduces the relational value system
2. Matt 3:17 This is my beloved Son in a relational system makes the relationship the reality and that being a Father speaking to a Son
3. Life Matters - - Puts the relational value system as expressed through the blessing into an earthly family context
4. The Divine Pattern - The Blessing invites us to consider the structure of the blessing system in 1 Cor 8:6 with source and channel.
5. The Relationship and blessing find their climax in the Sabbath
6. The Sabbath reflects the Divine Pattern with the annual Sabbaths as a channel for the weekly Sabbath.
7. The Divine Pattern then opened the door for the statutes and judgments as part of the blessing system
 8. The Divine Pattern then unlocks the source channel nature of the covenants
9. The covenants rightly understood present a consistent picture of God which requires us to understand the God of the Old Testament as exactly the same God as the New Testament and see for a consistent view of God as He expresses in Ex 34:7

Presented: Mar 02, 2016
Presenter: Adrian Ebens