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Abide in Christ - A Devotional Thought

Posted Oct 19, 2010 by Oliver Saade in Devotional - Blog
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Joh 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

What is the purpose of quoting scripture and other writers, of prayer and of fellowship, of going to church and of participating if I am not abiding and walking humbly with my God? What is my position in Christ; is it in rank or purpose or prestige or that of doing greater works for Him? Yes this and many more we do, yet I woke up this morning with a sense of emptiness. This and many great questions I can ask, yet do I find any value in them, and do I derive my sense of worth and accomplishment through them.

How am I positioned in Christ? Am I abiding in Him, Joh 15:4 Joh 12:46 am I accepted in the beloved Eph 1:6, and receiving of His life, or am I in many ways looking to myself and accomplishments to give me a sense of worth and belonging? Joh 15:5

Abiding may be a simple word, and this scripture Joh 15:1 a simple statement, yet it is everything to a true believer in Christ. It is a place of truth, of reality, of being, of living and of belonging. It is the place where I ask and I receive Joh 15:7; and the place where I can truly say, I do what I see what my Father doing Joh 5:19 to be one with Him in life and in purpose, not in doing my own will. Am I abiding? Am I truly abiding, am I walking humbly or only saying I am?

Heavenly Father truly graft me into the branch where your life flows that I may receive the nature, the manner and the life of your Son, His mind, His love, His righteousness and His truth.

Oh to live in the life of Jesus

Not moved by the beckoning of this world

In all His goings forth, living in one central point, His Father

This is the everlasting truth concerning everything

It is that which is truth.

He is true; He is the definition of truth

And in Him we find the real position and truth concerning everything

Oh to abide in Christ


And when I find all this, what do I do, do I still listen to the lie and include this to my assets and achievements, or be abandoned to a life in Christ.

Oh Lord, have you way in me. And save me from everything that receives not its way of life in you. Write you Law, your way of life in me, that I may truly live in you, to walk ever closely to you.