Maranatha Media

Before they call, I will answer

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Hi, I'd like to share with you a simple little story of how God has blessed me in recent weeks. A couple months ago at the prodding of my youngest son Michael I was contemplating how to save money for a Kindle; at the same time wondering if the dollar value would be equal to its use for me. Near the end of January Michelle (Michael's girlfriend) purchased a new Kindle and gave me her 'old' Kindle. She even left the books on it that she had downloaded in case I wanted to read them. The first thing I had her do was to download a KJV of Scripture for me. Not many days afterward I was stricken with a minor illness that confined me to my bed for almost a month. What a blessing it has been to have my Bible on the Kindle! It's so much easier holding a Kindle than my Bible while lying down.

God's timing is always perfect. He knew that I'd be 'in bed' for awhile. Knowing Michelle would be buying a new Kindle He impressed her to give me the one she had (which is perfect for me)--and, He fit all those pieces together perfectly. Plus, I've 'fallen' (another of His designs, I'm sure!) into a new habit:  reading Scripture after I'm in bed and before falling asleep! God is so good! In the midst of my pain I've been able to recognize and appreciate God's leading and blessing to me. This experience reminds me of two texts:  Matthew 6:8 "...for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him."  and, Isaiah 65:24 "And it shall come to pass, before they call, I will answer;..."   God's blessings to each of you--
