Maranatha Media

Epic Sacrifice

Posted Jul 14, 2011 by Jeff Wilson in Everlasting Gospel
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The following poem was taken from a larger more in depth study entitled "Sacrifice of Epic Proportion."  Sacrifice of Epic Proportion is a completely revised version of an earlier study entitled "Power Laid Down."  I hope to have the newer version up in pdf format soon. For now here is a sample of it.


Epic Sacrifice

It began in the realm of celestial heights

In a far away home beyond the stars of the nights.


One stood highly honored fair and bright

Perfect in wisdom, beauty to the sight

Highest of the angels, guardian of law.

Clothed in God’s light that would fill us with awe

In myriads of coloured stones beautifully adorned.


But day-by-day strange feelings loomed inside

That he mysteriously covered and tried to hide.

Perverting freedom under masterful disguise,

Rebelling under the pretense of the subtlest lies.


Then war broke out between two that were close

Between the architect of evil who aspired the most

And Michael the Creator of the stars… and angelic hosts.


When Lucifer refused to return or repent

Then angels became aware of the hidden intent.


Lucifer now Satan originator of the curse,

Was driven from heaven’s courts and cast down to earth

To allure and deceive and do so much worse

The world as we know it, was introduced to sin

When a couple bought the lie then felt the serpent’s sting.

And immediately the poison began its deadly work within

But the sacrifice provided showed them the pit they had sunken in.


Adam saw heartache between families and friends,

So something must be done to radically change this trend.

Century after century man waited for his defense

For the advent of the Messiah who’d cause many to repent.


The fullness of time had arrived.

Michael the archangel came to earth,

Becoming incarnate through a Holy birth

From the manger to Calvary to deliver from the curse

On earth He risked His own immortality,

To deliver man from the painful reality and penalty

Of the laws violation not freedom from its moral obligation


Sovereign of the universe, gift from above,

Heaven’s highest commander, God’s only Son

The time had come to die for the lost:

Monumental sacrifice whatever cost

Enduring suffering risk and loss


Silent in agony bearing the pain

Forgiving His murderers, though it was Him they had slain.

His great heart crushed while heaven was hushed but His Spirit was


Words long ago, to angel’s astonishment were spoken

Father any price I’ll pay.


Sacrifice of epic proportion,

God’s Son of unending compassion,

Now here’s exactly what happened to set the gospel plan in action.


With bated breath and bloody matted hair

A voice like a trumpet rang LOUDLY through the air

“It is finished, My Father, into Thy hands

My Spirit I commit”; for a moment no angel sang


As illuminating flashes raced across the sky

In the horror of strange darkness people tried to hide.

The sun refused to shine in the middle of the day

As if nature had something to our dull senses to say.

His mission now accomplished He breathed out His last

Atonement was complete for now and the past


He humbly bowed His thorn-crowned head.

And yes, God’s Son was dead!


Filled with shame grief and dread stood the on-looking crowd

As the earth quaked and shook and thundered loud.

Lightening flashed beyond the crest and crowd

As some felt remorse some felt regret

Not a few clenched their fists and beat their breasts.

Others like the Roman could only confess

“Surely this man was the Son of God”


Suddenly the Father’s bright glory encircled the Son

No surer sign that victory was won.


Many were troubled and couldn’t sleep that night, memories,   remorse,

And shameful regret for the murder of a man that served and blessed.


But His love was stronger than evil and death.

Before dawn He had risen, called from the tomb they kept


He rose to reign again in glory, majesty and immortality

While there were others He’d called to witness throughout Galilee

And in Jerusalem to proclaim His resurrection reality!

They were a multitude of captives released from graves all around,

A sample of the redeemed to see Him anointed and crowned!

As Priest-King, judge and Savior of the lost and found

These witnesses of His resurrection power are the Jewels of His crown

His harvest of firstfruits reaped from the ground


They ascend with Him to glory

Living testimonies of salvation’s story,

Once spiritually dead and lost in sin

Until they were rescued and restored in the likeness of Him.


So it was seen He would pay any price whatsoever

So we could live in security and peace forever

And be filled with His Spirit complete without measure


And be home with Abba (daddy), Heaven’s occupant angels and friends,

Remembering for now, upon Father and Son our life today and our

Future depends.


Sacrifice of epic proportion,

God’s Son of infinite compassion

Caused an apostolic chain-reaction

Resulting from the light of the cross that seemed such a dreadful loss.


Now we can say on the brink of eternity

He is our substitute and surety

Proclaiming Him with no uncertainty,

Looking forward to the time when we will say most earnestly

‘Lo this is our King, our friend our God

That His Father for us was willing to send’

So that once and for all sin’s power and the presence of all that offends

Would finally come to its long awaited end

So we can reign with Him in glory with the angels, the redeemed and our

Victorious friends.

Jeff Wilson