Maranatha Media

Forever Stories

Posted Jun 12, 2012 by Marlise Schneider in Family and Community
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I'd like to share a lovely series of books that tells the story of redemption for small children. I'd known of this series since I was a child, because I knew the author, Carolyn Byers, personally. Sadly, she passed away last year, but she left behind a beautiful family, a lifetime of overseas missionary service, and her positive influence on so many people, including me (I learnt so many things from her when I was a child!).

Forever Stories is a beautifully illustrated five-volume series that traces the story of redemption and tells it in very easy language for children. It's available online, and there's also colouring books and DVD's that come with it. I'm not familiar with the colouring books or the DVD's, so I can't speak about those. But I do love the books.

Since my baby was born a few weeks ago, we ordered the series, and a few days ago I re-read it, after so many years. I was delighted to find that she was faithful to what the inspired writings tell us about God. 

Here are a few excerpts from the series:


(About the fall of Lucifer)

"A long, long time ago God lived with His Son and the angels in heaven." 

"God and His Son loved Their happy home with the angels. But Their love was so big that They wanted somebody new to love. They talked together and decided to make a brand-new world."

"God and His Son could hardly wait to tell the angels about their plans. At the next meeting, God told them, '... I need you to help Me by doing just what My Son says.' This was easy for the angels. They liked to do what God's Son asked. After all, they loved Him."

(Right before the fall:)

"...God and His Son often came to the park to visit Adam and Eve."


(God announces His plan of redemption:)

"The angels knew that people needed God in order to live. Just as little children need mommies and daddies, every person needs God."

"God's Son went to talk to His Father... God told the angels of their plan. 'My Son will go and live with Adam's family. He will be born as a baby. He will grow up and show people what God is like.'"


(12-year-old Jesus at the Temple:)

"Suddenly Jesus knew what the lamb stood for. 'I am God's lamb', He said softly."

"Jesus... pointed a finger upward. 'Why did you search for me? Didn't you know that I would be in My Father's house?' Mary bowed her head. Tears sprang to her eyes. Now my son understands, she thought. He knows He is the Son of God."

(Baptism of Jesus:)

"As Jesus knelt on the wet ground, bright beams of light encircled Him. A lovely dovelike form hovered over His head. A voice spoke from the sky. 'This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.' ... The words rang in Jesus' ears. My beloved Son, My beloved Son, behold the lamb of God, My beloved Son."

(The temptation in the wilderness:)

"Jesus' ... thoughts traveled on. This visitor says if I am God's Son. I am God's Son. This is Satan! I choose not to obey Him."


(Resurrection of Jesus:)

"The angel who rolled away the stone ... 'Son of God,' He called... 'Your Father calls You!'"

(Jesus ascends to Heaven:)

"Everyone must be able to choose whether he will follow me or Satan. That is a big task. However, I will not leave you alone. I will help you."

(Jesus and His Father meet again in Heaven:)

"The procession moved toward God's throne... Then Jesus stopped. The angels quit singing. All heaven was quiet. Everyone looked at Jesus...  God the Father smiled. He opened His arms wide to His Son. Jesus ran to God the Father. While they held each other close, the angels sang."


"God heard the disciples' prayers. He sent help as He had promised."