Maranatha Media

Gratitude for my Father

Posted Jan 26, 2010 by Adrian Ebens in Family and Community
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Exo 20:12  Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

Dear Father

I thank you for this commandment with promise. In honouring our parents we learn to respect authority and draw down the blessings of being under authority. Thank you for the sense of blessing you pour down through my father when I submit to him and honour him. Satan hates me receiving this blessing and tries so hard to get me to resist my father, to think myself wiser than my father, to judge my father. Let me refrain from doing this so that I do not lose my blessing from him. Help me to learn how to appeal to him when I am not sure and not assume straight away that he is wrong and I am right. I have done this too many times and I ask your forgiveness.

In my respect of my father is my key to respecting all authority that you have established. If I do not respect him, then I can’t really respect any authotity and I am even in danger of resisting your authority Father, for you gave me my father to teach me how to respect your authority. Again I confess Lord, that I have been quite poor at respecting my father. Please turn my heart towards him, to love him more and pray for him more. Send some blessings for me through my father’s lips for his words of blessing to me are worth more than gold, for the glory of children is their father Prov 17:6. Please Father, I do ask you to send a blessing through my father to me.

I also wish to honour my wife’s father. He has been such a blessing to me. Many things that I admire in my wife have come from him, so I am indebted to him. let me seek out the wisdom you have given him and do my best to bless and honour him. I thank you for him Father.

What a gift you have given to us in a father. So much power to bless and so much power to curse. Grant me wisdom to draw down the blessings and avoid the curses.

I pray this in the name of your most precious Son.