Maranatha Media

Heaven in my heart

Posted Jun 12, 2015 by Adrian Ebens in Devotional - Blog
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Just listening to this composition by my beloved son Michael Ebens and thinking about heaven

To stand on the shores of heaven, to gaze into the vastness of the Father's creation through Christ, to hear the benediction of love "enter into the joy of the Lord," to lay down in the soft grass and feel the gentle breeze and know that the battle is over and the victory is won. I see it by faith, I grasp the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. My ears hear the thunderous sounds of the voices of the redeemed as they worship before God and the Lamb.

We are made for more than this dark life, the blood of the lamb and faith in His Word takes traction in my soul and anchors me in the grip of grace. Blessed Lord Jesus I am comforted by your words that there are many rooms in our Father's house and you are returning so soon to receive those who loved Christ and turned from the world, its ways, its music, its violence and trusted alone to the merits of the risen lamb.

Hallelujah, the Saviour calls us.
Are you coming?