Maranatha Media

Ill Equipped

Posted Apr 04, 2012 by Shaquille in Outreach (Preach Unto Them)
3,522 Hits

I have just been temporarily transferred over to Longreach for work and am locked into a six week contract. This is the first time I've ever gone away from family and friends to a place where I don't actually know anybody. I'm overwhelmed by a sense of loneliness and I just feel totally lost. 

Though, I believe that God has brought me here for a reason. Longreach is a small town west of Brisbane. Far out west. They have a number of Churches here but, to my disappointment, there don't seem to be any Adventists around. So.. Feeling a bit lost and out of place.. I would still like to witness in some way but feel so ill equipped.. And INCREDIBLY lonely.

Growing up in a family of 8, I'm really not used to being alone. I thought this trip would be a great experience being away from family and friends and finding my own footing.. Ive only been here since this morning and I must say, I'm feeling quite homesick. 

Please pray for me. I have experienced, in the past week or so, a desire for Christ's return that I have never felt before. I just want to go home. This world holds nothing for me. 

The message must be preached and I desire to carry it... I really do just feel that I am very ill equipped for this mission. Your advise and prayer would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,

: )