Maranatha Media

Lessons in Worship Readings

Posted Sep 24, 2010 by Michael in Devotional - Blog
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For the last month or two our family has been reading from two books which are made of Ellen White readings and have a page for each day of the year. Every morning we have been reading a page out of the designated morning one, and every evening from the designated evening one. We have been finding that the Lord speaks to us about the day's events through these readings, and many times it's just what we need to hear.

For example, if we have had a very hard day (we seem to be getting a lot of these lately) most times the book will speak of something to do with having faith, overcoming the enemy, persevering, or something that is exactly related to what has happened that day. The worship readings seem to always speak to us, and teach us things related to what has happened, and the words always seem to come when we need them.

Last night's reading was of great comfort to me. It was entitled "Clouds Will Pass", and I really needed to hear that. Because sometimes it seems that the Valley of the Shadow of Death will never end for us. In fact, the titles of the readings start to get more bright as we get towards the end of September. This gives me much hope that the "clouds will pass."