Maranatha Media

March – May Mission Trip 2015

Posted Jun 11, 2015 by Adrian Ebens in Events
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For most of the past three months we have been placed to be able to travel and having meetings with believers in USA, Canada and Europe. It was a real blessing to once again travel with brother Igor and work together to share the gospel of Christ where Father would open the door for us.

In just over ten weeks we participated in ten camp meetings, took over 70 meetings in six countries, and witnessed many precious souls going forth in baptism in the precious name of Jesus our Lord.

So many times we felt the sweet spirit of Jesus come into the meetings. Many tears were shed as the words of our Father were received into the heart “You are my beloved child in whom I am well pleased” through the blood of Christ. Scores of people came forward asking for prayer for their children to return to the Lord and have our Father’s protection. There is nothing more rewarding that seeing the hearts of the fathers turning to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers.

It was a joy to remind our listeners of the solid foundations of the Adventist faith and the Sanctuary message of the Adventist movement; the earnest call to repentance and the strait gate for the sinner to humbly confess their sins and accept the blood of Christ and the progressive work of sanctification.

We listened to many share parts of their life story and the challenges they were facing. We often stopped to pray and ask the Spirit of our Father to heal, comfort and encourage through the grace of Christ. So many precious souls have felt cut off and pushed out of their church. I remember in one meeting how I shared that I could not sing hymns for nearly five years without starting to weep with the memories of my membership within the Adventist church. One young person shared that this is exactly how they felt and it was very painful for them to be shunned from our beloved church. Yet as we spoke of the joys of the begotten Son and the freedom we have found, surely we could say “the begotten Son is sweet enough!” and so He is.

Our meetings from Florida at the time of the Passover were a real blessing. Special thanks to the Ocala team and all those who helped put this all together. With up to 120 people in attendance there was a strong camp meeting feeling as we fellowshipped together. Many souls went forward in baptism here and many decisions made to walk more deeply with our Saviour. You can watch my presentations from these meetings here:  

It was a joy to meet with our brethren in France. We met with a group who had refused to join the ecumenical push within the Adventist Church and were disfellowshipped. Later they accepted the truth about God through reading Foundations of our Faith by Allen Stump and also Return of Elijah. With over 60 in attendance we had a very special few days of meetings together. Our brethren here are advancing the work of the begotten Son and translating many materials which is a real joy. The meetings will soon be available through

After our meetings in France, brother Igor was asking me about the foundations of our faith and aspects of why certain teachings were so important. As we walked through the forest and shared together he was impressed that these things need to be taught to others. I said that I have been praying for this for a long time. So we prayed together under the banner of the new moon and asked Father for a place to teach and share the foundational truths of Adventism. Little did we know what Father had in store for us.

Our meetings in Northern Germany were held in a lovely castle that was 800 years old. At the end of the meetings, a desire to learn more led to discussions with the owners for us to return next year and conduct an evangelism training series, training how to give Bible studies, preach and share the Adventist message. These meetings will take place from July to Sept of 2016. Those interested in taking the 12 week course should contact How wonderfully the Father answers prayers and sends us blessings through His beloved Son. We are thankful for our German team of translators and workers who are rapidly expanding the work in Germany. The book Divine Pattern of Life is now available in German and soon the books Life Matters and My Beloved will also be available.  You can watch our meetings from Northern Germany here:

Our meetings in southern Germany brought us sweet reminders of our time there the previous year. Several souls went forward in Baptism to commit themselves to Christ. It was touching to hear the testimonies of those who went forward. We were all deeply touched and felt like a big family, laughing and weeping together and singing of the love of Christ and expressing confidence in the soon coming of Christ. Here are the meetings that we shared together

It was a blessing to visit our brethren in Serbia and witness the expanding range of publications that have been made available and are being spread like the leaves of autumn in that part of the world. New books in Serbian include Return of Elijah and Divine Pattern of Life. We are thankful for our faithful friends who are courageously advancing the truth amidst great opposition from several sides. Here are some of the meetings from Serbia:

We were glad to have Dr Gary Hullquist and his wife Carolyn join us for part of the trip to Europe. We enjoyed greatly our time together and we preached and shared the Word of God. They were greatly encouraged to see the work advancing in different parts of Europe.

 A brief stop in Romania allowed us to share together and encouraging the brethren there. It was a joy to witness some baptisms here also in a wonderful setting in the hills of this country.  Here are some of the presentations we shared while in Romania:

We were able to enjoy a brief stop back in Talking Rock Georgia where we were able to record a few more presentations in the popular Theos series that many are enjoying.

We then travelled to Terra Bella to share the time of Pentecost together. It was very encouraging to meet with the brethren there and see a number of them express appreciation for the Divine Pattern and a hunger for a study of the Word of God in an open and enquiring manner. Elder John VanDenburgh showed courage to sit in the meetings considering the pain he was feeling with his back at the time. Here are some of the meetings from that weekend.

Great interest was expressed for the Bible study program we were planning to run in Germany the following year and so we were invited to come and do the same program at Terra Bella. This will take place just after Passover 2016 for 10-12 weeks that will include an outreach program towards the end of the training program.

So as you can see we have plenty of work ahead of us in the coming year as well as plans for an evangelistic outreach program based around the Identity wars series in the southern part of Brisbane in September of this year.

We ask for your prayers for strengthen and wisdom as to how best to move forward. Please pray for our brethren in various parts of the world who are working faithfully for our Father. If you would like to partake in any of the training programs next year please contact us or if you would like to be involved in the outreach program planned in Brisbane in September then please contact us. We will be going door knocking and possibly letter boxing as well. If you wish to support these evangelistic outreach efforts you can make donations via paypal on or or contact us for other options.

Here are a sample of pictures from the trip.

Meeting at Grand Forks, BC, Canada

Grand Forks Meetings

Meetings in Hamilton, MT, USA

Meetings in Ocala, FL, USA

What hinders us to be baptised! Baptism at Days Inn Motel, Ocala with Bill and Judy.


Baptismal Candidates on Sabbath April 11.

Meetings in France

Meetings at Wasserburg Castle, Northern Germany.

Meetings in Zrenjanin, Serbia

Dedication of baby Martin. With Boris and Carol Subotin

Special prayers for those coming forward. Gary and I praying with Jasmina.

Fellowship in the apartments where several were staying. The apartments were rightly names Filadephia.

Meetings in Ormindea, Romania

At the airport in Sibiu with our hospitable driver David.

Meetings in Walldurn, South Germany.

Baptism nearby in Walldurn

Baptism with Grit with the lovely Alps as a backdrop.

A nice hike with friends from Terra Bella during meetings on Pentecost.