Maranatha Media

My Sweet Mother

Posted Jan 29, 2010 by Adrian Ebens in Family and Community
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In the last post, I asked the Lord to send me a blessing from my father. The next morning as I awoke, I was reminded that the power of my father to bless me rested upon the shoulder’s of my mother. I was then impressed that I had not shown my mother the level of appreciation she deserved. My mother has always loved me, supported me and believed in me. She has worked tirelessly for me and for my comfort. How utterly thoughtless of me to take this for granted. I was impressed that she needed regular reminders of my appreciation and devotion to her for all she has done. I rang her and apologised for taking her love for granted and not expressing my appreciation to her more often. As usual she was very gracious and kind towards me and very forgiving.

Right now I feel a very deep love for my mother, I never would have survived in life without her. This is obviously true as a small child but also as a boy and a teen and now as an adult. Her belief in me gives me more strength than I realize and has often been the wind beneath my wings.

My mother is an extremely creative lady. She excels in the arts, loves poetry, history and a wide range of music. She has a real adventurous spirit and is incredibly generous. She worked full time as well as kept house most of my life. I am deeply indebted to her for all that she has nurtured me to be.

Father, I thank you for my mother, she is such a precious gift to me, may I never take her for granted.