Maranatha Media

New Website and Newsletter

Posted Dec 30, 2015 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
2,506 Hits

Over the past few weeks we have been upgrading the Maranatha Media website. Many of the article from the old site have been transferred to the new website. We will continue to add studies, charts, books and other resources in the coming weeks. The website was developed by my son Michael Ebens and he has done an excellent job putting it together. We hope you will enjoy the new system and we trust it will be faster and easier to navigate.

The new site will no longer have a registration process for users. Registration was causing a number of security issues for us. New articles will be received on an invitation basis. We simply don't have the resources to examine new content submitted by everyone.

We have examined our newsletter lists and taken out the names of those who have not opened a newsletter in the past 12 months. If you would like subscribe to the newsletter you can do so via the front page of the website.

There may be some things that still have a few technical issues. We appreciate any feedback if things are not working correctly or you are looking for something you can't find.

A special thanks to our many friends who pray for us and support us in this ministry. 

Passover 2016 in Australia
We are planning to have a passover camp meeting near Gympie about 2 hours north of Brisbane. The dates will be April 22-30. There will be facilities for camping with tents and Caravans. Amenities are available on the site. Meetings will be Organised by Craig Jacobson and Edward Perez. Please contact us for your expression of interest to attend. We had a blessed time for Tabernalces this year with everyone eager to attend passover in 2016. This is a new experience for many as we explore the many blessings our Father offers to those who believe that the gospel is everlasting from Eden to Eden. We do not wish be like many of the reformers who who having taken one or two steps towards religious freedom, should stop and build a wall against further investigation. For further study in this question, we invite you check the following links:

Presentations on the Statutes and Judgments
What About the Feasts - Gary Hullquist

Current Itinerary for Pr Adrian Ebens in 2016
Whyalla and Adelaide Feb 6,7 2016. We look forward to meeting with John Penman and friends in Whyalla. On Sunday we hope to have a meeting in Adelaide.
Passover in Terra Bella, California. April 22-30 : Lorelle, Daniel and Adrian will be traveling to BETV for passover where Adrian will be taking some of the meetings. We look forward to meeting as many brethren as can come.
Bible Training Program in Terra Bella, California May 2-15 : After passover we will be taking Bible training programs in the first two weeks of May. Subjects will include Righteousness by Faith, Daniel and Revelation, and the prinicples of Identity Wars and the Divine Pattern.
Weekend meetings in Nürnberg, Germany July 9,10
Bible Training Program Perleberg, Germany July 25 - Sep 11. Perleberg is 2 hours north of Berlin. Please contact Jutta for details by visiting
Camp Meeting in Southern France. Sep 14 - 18. These meetings are organised by Marc and Elisabeth Fury. See their website for details.
Meetings in Zrenjanin, Serbia Sep 22-26. Contact Boris Subotin for details. Visit
These plans will adjust as required so please stay tuned for updates. We ask for the prayers of the brethren to help us as we undertake 2016 to share the joy of the gospel of Christ with all we meet.

Framework for Daniel and Revelation

I invite you to read this extended article on the subject of Daniel and Revelation. We are told in several places by Ellen White that history is repeating and will repeat. Many are tempted to take these statements to indicate there will be a repeating of the periods of 1260, 1290, 1335 and 2300 days. While this is tempting it causes several problems for those who wish to build upon the firm platform of the midnight cry. We welcome the desire of those who see history repeating but let us tread carefully and build on the shoulders of our forefathers and not stepping off the platform. Read Article: Framework for Daniel and Revelation 

New Publications

A Priest Forever:  “The priesthood of Christ commenced as soon as man had sinned. He was made a priest after the order of Melchizedek....Satan thought the Lord had given up His hold on man, but the Star of Hope lighted up the dark and dismal future in the gospel preached in Eden.” Ms43b-1891 (July 4, 1891)

The Ceremonial Dividing Line in Adventist History : Adventist history is full of struggle and debate over the issue of when and where did the Old Covenant with all of its rites and ceremonies begin and end. Like all other Protestant churches from which they came, the Adventists long accepted the prevailing notion that all things old and Jewish came to an end at the death of Jesus. For all the other Protestants that meant the seventh day Sabbath as well. Not so, said the Adventists, newly convicted by the Fourth Commandment. The Moral Law is permanent; the Law of Moses was nailed to the cross. But what about tithe, intoxicating liquor, and unclean meats? Soon a growing list of Mosaic statutes were moved across the Ceremonial Divide. And then came 1888. The implications were undeniable. Something had to give. The battle lines were drawn, and the rest— well, the rest is History.

Showing Respect for Colossians 2:16,17: A textual review and analysis of the key Pauline passage addressing feasts, new moons, and Sabbath days. One of the most hotly debated texts in the Christian world, it is claimed Exhibit A for prohibiting the gatherings of God’s people as found in the book of the law. But was the apostle who observed the appointed times himself also condemning them as a only legalistic bondage? Was Paul saying the Seventh day Sabbath is no longer relevant to Christians? Modern commentaries have ignored critical aspects of Paul’s internal consistency. Showing Respect, however, does just that.

Die Frage des Lebens - Der Segenskanal: The German edition of Life Matters has now been printed. Please contact Jutta at for your copy.

Le modèle divin de la vie: Divine Pattern of Life has now been printed in French. Please contact Marc and Elisabeth Fury at for a copy. 

Thank you!

Thank you to all those who support us with your prayers and gifts. We wish you all our Father's blessings in the name of the Lord Jesus. I pray that our Father will send with this newsletter a blessing upon your family and loved ones and that Christ will be sweeter to you each day. I pray that we all will stand together on the Sea of Glass and sing the song of Moses and the Lamb.


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