Maranatha Media

No respector of persons - God's Mercy Displayed

Posted Nov 02, 2013 by Adrian Ebens in Everlasting Gospel
2,887 Hits

I have learned several things from the recent feast of tabernacles and I wanted to share one point here that really spoke to me.

On the first Sabbath when we spoke of the message to Laodicea, there were gathered together both feast keepers, feast friendly and feast fearers. People who like to use Hebrew names and people who like to use the Greek. There were people in the employment of the SDA Church and people disfellowshipped.

Yet when the message took hold, the Spirit of God fell upon all represented groups. Confessions were made by feast keepers and feast fearers alike. Upon Conference workers and disfellowshipped alike. No distinction was made. Would the Spirit of God be given to those whom we fear are on a works program? I state again, the Spirit made no such distinctions. The Spirit of love that filled the room allowed men to come close to each other in a Spirit of grace and begin to listen to each other without condemnation.

From this I also learnt that having a dicussion from the Bible without the assurance of love and acceptance will usually fail to bring brethren together. I did perceive this past week that God is no respector of persons and that all who seek Him will receive.

I have received a great blessing meeting new people and encountering new things. A number of things I felt no desire to embrace but I also felt no compulsion to force others to follow my example on these things. The freedom I sensed in the Spirit created no such sense to compell others to my standard of conduct.

I perceive that in the Spirit of repentance, there is a path to unity.

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