Maranatha Media

Our Father, MY Father

Posted Sep 17, 2010 by Michael in Testimonies and Stories
7,794 Hits

About week, or a little longer, ago I was getting ready for bed, thinking about the concept of God being my Father. I had heard people talking about it a lot, and I did believe that I was God's son, but the implications of this never really struck home.

As I was thinking, something suddenly clicked, I finally got it! God is my Father, and I am His son by adoption! This means He loves like my Dad (and my Dad loves me a lot :D), but even more; after all, "God is love." This made me really excited, and I began praising God.

That night, for the first time in my life, I could truly begin my prayer with "Dear Father." Before I had been saying "Dear Lord," like a servant would to his master. But now I can come before the Father, and address Him as my Father.

What joy this brings! It is such a wonderful thing to think about! Praise God!