Maranatha Media

Our Father - The Source of All Being GC 479

Posted Jul 27, 2011 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
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Feature Article

Dear maranatha media subscriber

DanielAt this time of the year my wife Lorelle is heavily engaged in raising funds for the special needs of our son Daniel who lives in the autistic spectrum. The challenges that Daniel faces have granted our family the special opportunity to learn to serve and reflect the spirit of Jesus in adverse circumstances.

If you have been blessed by Maranatha Media and would like to say thank you, dontating to Daniel's cause would be a real blessing to all. You can donate securely online at this link: [Not Available]


Maranatha Media TV

In the past month we have been trialing internet broadcasting via We have been operating meetings on Tuesday night, Friday Night and Sab Evening at 7:30pm at US Eastern time. This is Wed, Sab and Sun Morning at 9:30am in Eastern Australia.

We are able to broadcast via the website at Our direct link is:

If you become a premium member for $3.99 you will not see any advertising during the broadcast. If you just tune in to watch a broadcast without a premium member adverts will periodically appear and some of them are not the best. In the future we may elect to pay for ad free hours but we think it best to allow each person to decide if they wish to endure the adverts or not as $3.99 is not much to pay for a month.

Currently we are having a regular Bible Study session on the Subject of the Sanctuary. On Friday Night we have Kids Sabbath School and then the Adult Sabbath School from our friends in Jasper Georgia USA. On Sabbath Evening we have a sermon styled presentation with various speakers. We will also be adding extra broadcasts at different times. We have created a new Newsletter to keep you up with when the latest broadcasts are on and what is available. All Maranatha Media Members have been added to the subscription list for this newsletter. You can opt out by changing your subscription details in your member profile area.

Fountarian Seventh-day Adventists

Many Seventh-day Adventists through their personal study of the Scriptures are coming under deep conviction that the foundation laid by our pioneers was indeed a solid platform and that the God they served is the God of Israel, the God of the Bible. It has come as quite a shock to many of us that our beloved church has forsaken the God of Israel in favour of a Trinity styled god where Jesus is no longer recognised as the Son of the Father from eternity. 

Does it really matter whether we believe that Jesus is truly God's Son? Is it a subject worth making a fuss about? The Bible is clear:

1John 5:12,13? He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

John 3:16? For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

To reject the truth that Jesus is the Son of God from eternity means that you do not have the Son. This is a matter so serious and deserving of earnest study of the Word.

Many are questioning "How do we respond to this apostasy?" Several are turning their backs on God's remnant church and moving in other directions, but our God who bore long with wayward Israel of old, bears long with His covenant church today. God is testing those who discover the truth of the Son of God as to whether they will love and plead for His Church that He set up and whether they will repent of their own sin and the sin of the church in adopting this false Trinity god.

Showing respect for God's appointed Leaders, praying for them and maintaining love in our hearts for them, trusting that God will fix thiings at the head of the work is at the heart of Fountarian Adventism. The word "Fountarian" comes from the word Fountain. Our Father in Heaven is the source of all being and the fountain of all Law. GC 479. He is the Great Source of All DA 21.

Several of us have adopted this term to signify that we worship the Only true God and His Son according to the command of the Father and that we recognise His covenant church the Seventh-day Adventist Church as still being His church for which we will pray and plead for. We firmly reject the calls of those who call the church Babylon or call God's people to leave the church.

Due to the spirit of some Adventist members and churches, some of our believers are forced to worship in small groups yet we maintain our affection and love for the church that God established with our pioneers.

For more details also see The Fountarian Outline

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Quickened By The Spirit
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Promise of the Father
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Enjoying the Broadcasts



?Said the angel, "Think ye that the Father yielded up His dearly beloved Son without a struggle? No, no." It was even a struggle with the God of heaven, whether to let guilty man perish, or to give His darling Son to die for them.? EW 127 (1882)