Revelation of the Father's Love
Dear Maranatha Media Supporter
The year 2017 is drawing to a close. We thank the Lord for the wonderful things He has shown us and done for us over this year. Our Last News Letter was sent in May this year. Since that time we have been travelling and preaching in several countries sharing the message of the Father and Son and their character of Love and the times they especially desire to meet with us.
For an overview of our mission travels you can watch this presentation and read the links for the various reports that were put together by my travelling Companion Danny Brown.
2017 Mission Report - Youtube Video
Talking Rock Bible Training Series Report
Bulgarian Report
Serbian and Czech Report
French Report
German Report
Cape Town Report
Oudtshoorn, Hiedelberg, Pretoria and Nelpruit Report
Empangeni and Pitermaritzburg Report
Here are some Pictures from the Tour.
Talking Rock Series

Danny Brown Lecturing

Baptism in Sophia Bulgaria

At Boris and Karol's home in Zrenjanin, Serbia

With Jiri and friends in Brno, Czech Republic

In the home of Marc and Elisabeth Fury in Southern France

In Mornex France

In Speele Germany

Cape Town, South Africa

Pietermaritzburg Tabernacles - South Africa

It was a blessing to see the translation work in various countries moving ahead. Each team of workers is highly motivated by the message and keen to have it available in their local language. All together there was probably around 200 presentations shared with approximately 30 baptisms. We wish to thank everyone for their prayers and support as we continue to advance the Third Angels Message in various parts of the world. Special thanks to the organisers in each location who have done an incredible amount of work to put things together. We ask for your prayers for the work for 2018.
TRSC Bible Training Program Videos
All of the presentations from Talking Bible Training Series were recorded. The series provided several aspects related to the Third Angel's message, how to prepare and share sermons and Bible studies and a chart by chart presentation of the God's Last Message of Love Folder.
Complete Series Playlist
Pr Adrian's Lecturers from the Series Playlist
Character of God Presentations Playlist
TRSC Pentecost Series playlist
Other Video Series from the 2017 Tour
Third Angel's Message Series - South Africa
Cape Town Series
Tabernacles Series
New Book - Agape
While in Talking Rock we were able to begin filming the series called Agape. It is a 24 part series on the Character of God. We managed to record 15 of the presentations. The Scripts have been put together in a book which is now available. This book is the culmination of a 16 year search to understand the character of God. The journey began when I was reminiscing about the birth of my first son. I thought on the moment I first held him in my arms and the deep sense of love I felt for him. To have a taste of such divine emotions brought me into an encounter with God that impressed upon me the thought that the feelings I had for my son were an expression of God’s love for His Son and consequently His earth born children.
We expect to have the video series completed by next year as well as provide a mobile phone app for people to watch video, listen to audio and read the book on the phone. As the book is just complete we don't have hard copies at this time but they will be printed shortly. This is a book designed to share with your family, friends and work associates who are searching to understand the character of God and are searching answers as to why there is so much violence apparently attributed to God in Scripture.
Life Stream 2017
Life Stream 2017 is soon to become Life Stream 2018. You can catch up on all the previous presentations at the link above. We have been covering some very interesting material in our sessions and hope you can check out some of the presentations. Please remember to subscribe to our youtube channel to get the latest updates and alerts for when presentations are being streamed.
Translation Projects and Outreach
We have many translation projects taking place in German, Spanish, French, Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, Afrikaans, Zulu, Filipino, Serbian, Russian, Chinese, Hindi and more. We are pleased to announce our new Dutch website maranathamedia.nl. We also have launched a website for India maranathamedia.in. We believe we may have some prospects for translation into Polish in the near future. We are looking for someone who might be able to help us with translation into Italian as well Hungarian. Please contact us if you can help with these languages.
Canvassing and Bible Work
Since our visit to South Africa we now have someone working in full time canvasing work and some part time Bible work. It is our prayer expand the Canvasing work for 2018 in preparation for Evangelistic Outreach Efforts to take place the end of next year and early 2019. Thank you for your prayers and support for these projects.
Audio Books
We have had a number of requests for Audio Books. We do have Identity Wars in an Audio book format. We hope to have more Audio Books completed in 2018.
MP3 Sermon Collection
We now have available the mp3 sermon collection from Adrian Ebens from 1994 to the present. It is not always possible to watch sermons and often it is easier to listen. You can download the sermons from this location
Thank you
We say thank you for all our supporters in various parts of the world that help us get the joyous news of the Third's Angel's message out to the world. We ask for your prayers as we continue to advance the light of truth. We are very excited about the things we are learning and pray that you also will be blessed on this journey into a deeper knowledge of the Father and the Son.
Adrian Ebens
Maranatha Media

In This Issue:
- Revelation of the Father's Love
- 2017 Mission Report
- TRSC Bible Training Program Videos
- New Book Agape.
- Translation projects
- Canvasing and Bible Work
- MP3 sermon collection
Please Download and Study these Booklets related to this Newsletter.
