Maranatha Media

Sabbath Fountain

Posted May 20, 2016 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
2,856 Hits

In This Issue:

-Main feature title 
-New Printer for Producing Booklets
-Disfellowshipped into Fellowship
-New Booklets
-Passover 2016
-New Websites and Materials
-New Resources

We wish you heavens richest blessings as we enter into the month of May. This is our first Newsletter with our new email newsletter service. We have had some difficulties over the past few months to find the right solution for our needs. many people did not receive the previous newsletters due to technical issues in learning new ways to send out email. Email can be a challenging process when you have thousands of addresses to send to. We pray that this newsletter will arrive safely to your inbox to keep you informed.  

New Printer for Producing Booklets

printer.jpgWe rejoice to announce that we have been blessed with a new printer to produce our growing library of booklets. This machine will automatically staple and fold the books for us for fast turn around. This has reduced our printing costs significantly and allowed us to produce more materials than before. A special thank you to our supporters who helped us to purchase this machine. Please email us if you need printed copies of booklets to share with others.     



Disfellowshipped into Fellowship

On the 15th of May 2016, my dear wife, Joy, my precious mother, Annie, who recently turned 82 years of age and has been a member of the SDA church for 58 years, and I were disfellowshipped from the Whyalla South Australian SDA church. Here is the story of what the Son of God has done for us. Read More

New Booklets

Over the past few months we have had several new booklets produced. You can access these books and booklets here:

Here are some booklets in the subject of the character of God that have been recently produced. I invite you to study these subjects carefully with a willingness to compare Scripture with Scripture and know the deep love of our Father for His children through Christ

Calvary in Egypt

CalvaryInEgypt-tmb.jpgPonder it carefully. The minds of the Roman soldiers are controlled by Satan, yet the breath by which they live is the life that lights every man that comes into the world. The power of Christ in the souls of men is used by Satan to nail Him to the cross. Just stop and ponder that for a moment. The single image of a Roman solider with hammer held high and driving a spike into those precious hands of the Saviour holds the key to plagues of Egypt and all the power of destruction manifested on the earth.



Gods of Egypt as Lightning from Heaven

GodsOfEgypt-tmb.jpgThe Bible contains several instances of sentencing people to be stoned to death for their transgressions. Where did this practice come from? Did God introduce this idea to Moses or did it come from some other source. Is it possible that the judgments that fell upon Israel related to their ideas of judgment rather than from God Himself? Did the sin of the golden calf change anything in the relationship between God and Israel? Is it important to know? To him that hath ears let him hear.



Serpent Revealed in Canaan Conquest

SerpentRevealed-tmb.jpgHow do we reconcile the wholesale slaughter of nations by Israel with the sword against the words of Christ?

…for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.

Not only men, women and children also:

Deut 2:34  And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain:


Sabbath Fountain

SabbathFountain-tmb.jpgThis is our latest booklet revealing how the blessed Spirit of Jesus flows to us through the Sabbath appointments. This work is the culmination of a fifteen year journey that began back at the beginning of 2001.

I share this book with you from my heart and pray it will bless you as much in reading it as I have enjoyed writing it. There are great beams of light in the Sabbath rest. Christ comes especially near to us at these times. Let us respond to His call and enter fully into His rest.

Please feel free to download and print these booklets to share with others as needed.


Passover 2016

We report with great joy the special time of the feast we shared together two hours north of Brisbane in a place called Widgee. The joy of the Lord was manifested amongst brethren and we enjoyed sweet fellowship together. We had a total of nine baptisms over the two Sabbaths and had combined total of over 70 people attending. A lot of work went into preparing this event. Our special thanks to Craig and Bronwyn Jacobson for making their property available and for all those involved in making the venue ready for guests.

One the final Friday night was we entered into the Sabbath we experienced a wonderful joy in the Spirit together. We sang and praised the Lord together giving Him praise for His wonderful grace. As sons and daughters of God we washed ourselves in the restful Spirit of our Father through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Several presentations from the camp are being loaded to youtube

Read our Full Report online

Many were eagerly enquiring about when the feast of Tabernacles would take place. This will be October 16-24.Please contact Eddie Perez via email at to obtain your application. 

New Websites and Materials

We have had several new websites and books produced in several languages.Here are some of the websites and materials added recently

Bulgarian Website:
French Website:
Russian Website:

A big thank you to my son Michael for writing the php and html code for these websites. He has done a wonderful job in building these sites from scratch. I am very grateful for his efforts.

New resources
German: Original Love
German: Serpent Revealed in Canaan Conquest
German: The Wisdom of God
German: God's of Egypt and Lightning from Heaven
German: Sabbath Fountain
Serbian: Life Matters
Bulgarian: A Priest Forever
Bulgarian: Lessons from History on Church Organisation
Bulgarian: Christ, The Sabbath and the Heights of the 1888 Message
Bulgarian: Several Articles
Spanish: Stand by the Landmarks
French: Divine Pattern
Hindi: Divine Pattern of Life

A special thank you to our translators  and Bible Workers who are preparing and sharing these materials. 


June 11,12 - Pentecost Weekend - Waterford 
July 25-Sept 11 - German Training Program
Sept 15-18 - Camp Meeting in Southern France
Sept 28 - Oct 1 Meetings in Serbia
Oct 7-10 Meetings in Romania
Oct 17-24 Tabernacles in Germany 
Oct 28-30 Talking Rock Georgia, USA
Nov 4-6 Meetings in Ocala, Florida, USA
Nov 11-13 Meetings in Wisconsin, USA

Adrian Ebens
Maranatha Media