Maranatha Media

Safely Home

Posted Jun 08, 2013 by Frank Klin in Testimonies and Stories
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Just a few moments ago I was walking up the hill to the home our Father blessed me with after having a nice dinner with Gary & Carolyn Hullquist to welcome in the Sabbath. Up ahead of me I saw a medium sized black beetle scurrying across the road. The first thought that crossed my mind was that some people, when seeing the beetle would freak out. Others would stomp on it, wiping it out if existence and walk on. The thought made me sad.

Then it was as if my Father spoke to me saying, "I put you there Frank, on the road, so that when the beetle crossed it would find its way safely home just as I am guiding you home."

Thank you Father for the heart for Your critters, creatures and creeping things you have placed in me and many others. What a joy heaven will be when we will all be safely home.