Maranatha Media

Sin - I am against it and its affect on Father and Son.

Posted Sep 16, 2018 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
3,053 Hits

Sin - I am against it and its affect on Father and Son.

Dear Maranatha Media Subscriber


The past number of years have proved true the experience of the narrow path as we have carefully studied the Scriptures and built carefully upon the Advent pioneer foundations and the 1888 message. 

"At this I raised my eyes, and saw a straight and narrow path, cast up high above the world. On this path the Advent people were traveling to the city, which was at the farther end of the path. They had a bright light set up behind them at the beginning of the path, which an angel told me was the midnight cry. This light shone all along the path and gave light for their feet so that they might not stumble. If they kept their eyes fixed on Jesus, who was just before them, leading them to the city, they were safe. But soon some grew weary, and said the city was a great way off, and they expected to have entered it before. Then Jesus would encourage [15] them by raising His glorious right arm, and from His arm came a light which waved over the Advent band, and they shouted, "Alleluia!" Others rashly denied the light behind them and said that it was not God that had led them out so far. The light behind them went out, leaving their feet in perfect darkness, and they stumbled and lost sight of the mark and of Jesus, and fell off the path down into the dark and wicked world below." Early Writings p 14,15 

There is a growing awareness of that narrow path anchored in the midnight cry of autumn of 1844 right through to the heavenly city. Not a block or a pin of this message is to be removed but every part carefully anchored in place. 

If you are new to this message then you have some serious study to do to lay the pieces together clearly in your mind to bring you to the sealing message that converges the Character of God message with the Divine Pattern of the Sabbath and the Feasts. While at the same time being understood in the context of the everlasting covenant as expressed in the 1888 message. Yes that is a mouth full but with diligent prayer and study it will come together to reveal a wonderful picture of the love of God. 

We appeal to everyone to take heed how you build your understanding of a doctrinal framework. There are strong winds blowing in every direction and soon - very soon it will be manifested what people are building with. We are counselled to lay our structure according to the cornerstone of Jesus Christ the Son of God and build up piece by piece with the building blocks of Adventism. Those who now start to question the Midnight cry of October 22 1844; the Spirit of Prophecy; the perpetuity and sacredness of the Law of God; the fact that Waggoner and Jones were given a most precious message and that Waggoner was given the truth on the covenants will find that they are building upon the sand and the coming storm will sweep away these structures incorrectly built. At the same time a posture of attack towards Adventist church and its leaders with a negative focus will fail to built nurturing communities of faith and a self-righteous attitude will destroy the joy and freedom of the gospel. 

There are also side winds blowing resurfacing the conflicts of the 1980's in regard to the subject of sin. This war played out between the Standish brothers and the Concerned Brethren on one side and the evangelical leanings of those sympathetic to Dr Desmond Ford are now manifested in the question as to whether sin is an action or a state. This question is framed outside of Scripture although plenty of Scripture is used as Bible students seek to determine the culpability of infants before the judgement bar of God.  

The question as to whether sin is a state or an action does not come to the relational heart of the issue of sin. Sin causes our Father and His Son terrible pain. As I studied this question in the 1980's I came to the conclusion that discussions as to whether sin is a state or an action remain egocentric and the deeper issue of the sufferings of Christ are overlooked in the ensuing debate. While there are some aspects of the discussion that need reflection the discussion as a whole is a distraction to the deeper issue of what or better yet who is righteousness and how do we obtain Him?

Let us dwell upon the themes of the cost of our salvation, the wonders of grace and how we may have the assurance of eternal life and cease to be filled with irritation and anger at others but rather reflect the love of Christ to all around us. I pray all those giving consideration to this question of sin will not lose sight of the greater objectives of the gospel and the love of God as manifested in His Son. Whether you believe sin is an action or a state, I know my Saviour died for you and loves you above all our comprehension, and you are therefore of infinite value to Him.  

The pressing question for me at the present time is what is our Father really like that we might receive His seal? In seeking to prove a doctrinal point to others in a spirit of dominance or aggression is more about advancing ourselves as wise Bible scholars worthy of respect and honour by others. Yet we read:

Selfishness prevents us from beholding God. The self-seeking spirit judges of God as altogether such a one as itself. Until we have renounced this, we cannot understand Him who is love. Only the unselfish heart, the humble and trustful spirit, shall see God as "merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth." Exodus 34:6.  {DA 302.3} 

If we continue to sit in the judgement of others who differ from us and condemn them as heretical we reveal the spirit of self-seeking and in such a state we judge God as being like us - one who judges and condemns and then finally executes. 

Is our Father in heaven a heresy hunting judge eager to condemn and expose those in error? The Bible tells us clearly

John 5:22  For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:  

And what do we read of the Son of God?

JohN 12:47-48  And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.  (48)  He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.


I have failed this test many times. I have judged many people and consequently desired to withdraw from them in my heart. I do not find this in the example of Jesus. I find one who is patient, gentle, meek while remaining deeply convicted about the truth. 

As we approach the day of atonement - the day when human hearts are made one with our Father through Christ - do we see condemnation? Not in Christ. 

Rom 8:1  There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 

John 8:11  ... And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

The condemnation that comes into the judgement is the condemnation by ourselves and by Satan. This condemnation is what prevents atonement. When we see how non- judgemental our Father and His Son are then we must face our own judgement and as Jesus says:

Matt 7:1-2  Judge not, that ye be not judged.  (2)  For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.


As we come into the day of atonement this week. Will you lay down the spirit of judgement and condemnation of others? Discern issues - yes indeed, but love your brother or sister as Christ loves us. The fire of God's love with lead all sinners who remain in the attitude of condemnation to have reflected back to them their own attitude and thus will face the condemnation of themselves through the mirror of God's law and that will be one hell of an experience. 

I encourage you to consider the thoughts in this sermon. The Template for Judgement and think carefully about this on the day of atonement. 

Grace and peace
Adrian Ebens 

2018 (Second Half) Itinerary for Pr and Mrs Ebens

We are looking forward to meeting with many of you on our tour to several countries. 

Sep 21-23 Talking Rock Sabbath Chapel - Day of Atonement. Contact TRSC for details. (                   

Sep 25-27 Puerto Rico - First Half of Feast of Tabernacles. Contact Carlos Hernandez for

Sep 28 - Oct 1 Ocala Florida. Contact Pedro Orta for details: Venue:  6880 sw 80 str Ocala, Florida 34476

Oct 6-7 Perleberg Germany. Contact Jutta Deischsel:

South Africa Oct and November. Joined by Ruben, Olschewsky, Ben Kramlich and Danutasn Brown. 
Oct 15-21 Pietermaritzburg Camp Meeting.  
Oct 26-28 Oudtshoorn
Oct 31 Capetown

Nov 2-4 Rawsonville Camp Meeting. 
Other events to be announced for Cape Town area. 

Nov 21-24 Bangkok - Danny Brown

Video Playlists on Youtube 

NEW Agape Series
Atonement Series            
Escaping the Pentagon of Lies
Life Stream 2017
Life Stream 2018

New Booklets
I am happy to announce two new booklets. The first one is by Ruben Olschewsky and is called the Mirror and the Lie. It addresses aspect of the mirror in Scripture and how it works. The other is by Danutasn Brown called In God's Name and deals with how politics has used Christianity to further its national ambitions while falsely presenting the character of God as violent and warlike.    

Agape Book
TRSC Recently printed 5000 copies of Agape and 1000 have been sent to Ray Foucher in British Columbia, Canada and 1000 to Susan Moskalets near Sacramento California for distribution. 2000 Copies of Agape has been printed by our brethren in Bulgaria and 500 copies of Agape printed by the Empangeni group in South Africa. We are printing an additional 2000 copies of Agape here in Australia. 

The Video series that accompanies the book is starting to be released. 4 videos have been released so far.    - We are thankful to our team in Germany and to TRSC for helping us get this video series available. Several people are sharing the book in their work place and with their friends. It is a joy to present to everyone that our Father truly is loving and keeps His own commandments by not killing people. In the coming months we plan to do a lot of canvassing work with the books along with some introductory tracts and booklets on the subject of the Character of God.            

Thank you

We say thank you for all our supporters in various parts of the world that help us get the joyous news of the Third's Angel's message out to the world. We ask for your prayers as we continue to advance the light of truth. We are very excited about the things we are learning and pray that you also will be blessed on this journey into a deeper knowledge of the Father and the Son.

Adrian Ebens
Maranatha Media




In This Issue:

- Sin - I am against It.
- 2018 Itinerary for Pr Ebens
- Video Playlists
- New Booklets
- Agape

Please Download and Study these Booklets related to this Newsletter. 


















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