Maranatha Media

Spring Camp Meeting April 3-10 2015 - Ocala Fellowship, Florida USA

Posted Jan 27, 2015 by Adrian Ebens in Events
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Camp Meeting Announcement

Feast of Unleavened Bread from April 3rd to 10th in Ocala FL.   

Accomodations available at the retreat include:

Please call 352-732-9355 to make accomodations.

4 cabins are available for rental which are 90/night each.  These sleep 8 people and connect to other cabins so the bathroom is shared between 2 cabins.  They include bathroom facilities.   

4 RV sites are available at $15/night.

Unlimited tent sites are available at $15/night.  Places will be available for dishes, and dining, however no cooking facilities will be available at the retreat. 

You are welcome to bring your own barbecues or cooking supplies. 

There are also multiple motels within the vicinity.  And the retreat is walking distance to the beautiful Silver Springs State Park.   

The address of the feast will be at 6455 East Silver Springs Blvd. Silver Springs FL 34488

Friday April 3rd
3:00 Meet and Greet
4:30 Song Service
5:00 Adrian Ebens - The Wicket Gate: The narrow way.
6:00 Lords Supper
7:00 Fire Pit/ Fellowship
Saturday April 4th
7:30 Morning Devotional
8:30 Break
9:30 Song Service
10:00 Igor Vujica
11:00 Break
11:30 Song Service
12:00 David Barron
1:00 Potluck
2:30 Free
5:15 Health Nugget
5:30 Song Service
6:00 Adrian Ebens - Where life comes from: Why it matters to your relationships.
7:00 Fire Pit/ Fellowship
Sunday April 5th
7:30 Morning Devotional
8:30 Break
9:30 Song Service
10:00 Christian Israel
11:00 break
11:30 Song Service
12:00 Jahdiel Newman
1:00 Potluck
2:30 FREE
5:15 Health Nugget
5:30 Song Service
6:00 Adrian Ebens - Bible guide to Life Source: Destroying the lie
7:00 Fire Pit/ Fellowship
Monday April 6th
7:30 Morning Devotional
8:30 Break
9:30 Song Service
10:00 David Barron
11:00 break
11:30 Song Service
12:00 Kevin Barrett
1:00 Potluck
2:30 FREE
3:30 Juicing/Health Presentation and Testimonials
4:30 Break
5:15 Health Nugget
5:30 Song Service
6:00 Adrian Ebens - The Cost of continued supply: The power of the Cross
7:00 Fire Pit/ Fellowship
Tuesday April 7th
7:30 Morning Devotional
8:30 Break
9:30 Song Service
10:00 Jahdiel Newman
11:00 Break
11:30 Song Service
12 Christian Israel
1:00 Potluck
2:30 FREE
3:30 Juicing/Health Presentation and Testimonials
4:30 Break
5:15 Health Nugget
5:30 Song Service
6 Adrian Ebens - The Power of the blessing: My beloved Child.
7 Fire Pit/ Fellowship
Wednesday April 8th
7:30 Morning Devotional
Family Day/Free Study
Canoeing at Silver Springs
6:30 Song Service/Prayer
7:00 Fire Pit/ Fellowship
ThursdayApril 9th

7:30 Morning Devotional
8:30 Break
9:30 Song Service
10:00 David Barron
11:00 break
11:30 Song Service
12:00 Jahdiel Newman
1:00 Potluck
2:30 FREE
3:30 Juicing/Health Presentation and Testimonials
4:30 Break
5:15 Health Nugget
5:30 Song Service
6:00 Adrian Ebens - The Divine Pattern of Life
7 Fire Pit/ Fellowship
Friday, April 10th
7:30 Morning Devotional
8:30 Break
9:30 Song Service
10:00 Christian Israel
11:00 break
11:30 Song Service
12:00 Igor Vujica
1:00 Potluck
2:30 Sabbath Preparation
5:15 Health Nugget
5:30 Song service
6:00 Adrian Speaks - Equality and Submission: Resolving the paradox.
7 Fire Pit/ Fellowship
7:30 Morning Devotional
8:30 Break
9:30 Song Service
10:00 Igor Vujica
11:00 Break
11:30 Song Service
12:00 Paul Zirakian
1:00 Potluck
2:30 Baptism
5:30 Song Service
6:00 Adrian Ebens - Family dynamics: Building a family treasure
7:00 Fire Pit/ Fellowship

Please call 352-732-9355 to make accomodations.