Maranatha Media

Strengthened in the Father and His Son at Georgia Camp Meeting

Posted Jun 17, 2012 by Dennis Weaver in General
3,192 Hits

Alora and I received a wonderful blessing at the recent camp in Georgia.  It started when brother Michael and Gerry with Mirta and my wife traveled the 10 hour drive to north Georgia. Before we left Orlando we prayed to our heavenly Father for guidance and protection during our journey. The drive itself seemed short because we were talking, sharing and studying the Word and the Spirit of Prophecy and singing praises.  I read the chapter in the Great Controversy titled "The Scriptures our Safeguard", where it states "we are to trust in no man, but only in a plain Thus saith the Lord."  We were all excited with anticipation of the blessings to come.

We were not disappointed. I can honestly say that every presentation was a blessing to Alora and I.  The meetings were held in this beautiful house nestled in the side of the mountain in the country where all you could hear were the sounds of nature. All who helped put this on, along with our hosts, were fantastic.  We had great fellowship and our speakers were very interesting. Our whole theme was centered around our Heavenly Father and His beloved Son, Jesus.  Whether it was through sermon, testimony or song everything was beautiful. Gary composed some music to John 17:3 that was our theme song and I found myself singing it at work yesterday.  All in all the Lord's Spirit was with us during this campmeeting time.  

What I received from this is reinforcement of our Heavenly Father and His Son truth.  We not only received an old blessed truth that our pioneers believed, across the board, but  also now realize that time is short and this truth needs to be spread abroad.  Several presentations were new to me and awakened my soul, especially the study on Ezekiel chapter 8 and 9.  The fellowship was sweet and new friendships started.  Blessing be to our God the Father and His Son for our wonderful time there, a taste of Heaven.

As always it was hard to say our goodbyes. On our way back our 10 hour trip went by quickly as we were reviewing what we have heard, studying and singing praises to our God.

I heartily recommend to attend any future campmeeting if possible for the blessings will be immense. May the Father and His Son,Jesus, shine through our hearts everyday as we share this beautiful truth.

Dennis and Alora   

Blessings from Heaven...Georgia Campmeeting 2012

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