Maranatha Media

What is "the blessing of Abraham"?

Posted Apr 17, 2013 by Jeff Wilson in General
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The following is a small section from my recent MM blog "Seven (7) characteristics of the Covenants." This is the second characteristics I listed.

2) One Covenant was characterized by unbelief  and the other Covenant by belief – faithful trust in God and His promises - the latter pointing to the faith and blessing of Abraham: The everlasting Covenant is a conditional Covenant and requires true-hearted belief which is made manifest in obedience to God’s Commandments “For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness” - Rom 4:3; (See Heb. 4:1-11). Abraham’s belief was characterized by faithfully patterning his household after the LORD and obedience in his willingness to offer his son Isaac to the Lord. Abraham’s household was the epitome of God’s family kingdom. He was known by God and blessed by God. “For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD and do justice and judgment: that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which He has spoken of him.” Gen. 18:19. The thing “which the LORD had spoken of” refers to multiplying and blessing Abraham’s seed. Anyone who blessed Abraham, respected and modeled their families after his family of Godly order and submission would in turn be blessed (See Gen. 12:2,3). Anyone who cursed Abraham would be cursed (separate themselves from God and His covenantal blessings.) The fourth commandment points to family success and stability. It promises a blessing of lengthening of days “in the land” given by “the LORD thy God” suggestive of the everlasting inheritance in the earth made new upon all those who honor and obey their parents like Isaac obeyed Abraham. On one occasion when Jesus spoke of His Father as “the God of the living” He made reference to Isaac, Abraham and Jacob as examples of His sons.  The ultimate blessing of Abraham would come through connection with his promised “seed” which was Christ who was to come through his lineage (Matt 1:1,2,16,17). God’s covenantal “channel of blessing” shifted from Abraham to Christ the promised seed.

The kind of faith and belief in what God can do (call out from bondage, deliver from the enemy, protect, bless, and prosper) as witnessed in the life of Abraham is essential to keeping God’s commandments (See Gen 14:19,20: 15:1,5,6). The 10 Commandments specified in Exodus 20 actually begin in verse 1 and 2, not 3, with a reminder of God’s saving power and their inability to save themselves. In fact in relation to the Sabbath Commandment, it is interesting to note Deut. 5’s version is quite different to the wording in Exodus 20. In Deuteronomy the Sabbath commandment is not described as a memorial of creation but rather as a memorial of redemption. Again it announces “what God can do” and did do through His saving power!!! (See Deut. 5:15). This points to anything but works salvation but points to the New!  

We can believe whatever God’s Word says concerning the Covenants is so. It is not make-believe "legal fiction" it is a definite reality. (See Gen 15:6; Isa 55:11).