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The Papacy and February 11

Posted Feb 28, 2013 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
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The Papacy and February 11 

 Today pope Benedict XVI gave his farewell address. Tomorrow is the last day of February 2013 and the last day of the pope's pontificate.  This has drawn much attention and speculation as to why he is resigning (a most rare occasion for popes) and who will be taking his place.  Adrian invited me to expand on a comment I made in his recent blog on this subject.

It has to do with a certain prominence for the date February 11 within the history of the little horn.  We are told that "history will be repeated" and this is certain to be true on many fronts.  My attention was drawn just this morning to an expression used by A.T. Jones in the December 11, 1900 issue of the Review and Herald p. 792.  He said that the Beast of Revelation 13 is "religious imperialism" within the ecclesiastical world, just as we see "political imperialism" within the world of government.  The use of force and coercion to control the mind and will of its subjects is the very essence of imperialism. Read More [Not Available]

The Journey from Godhead to Trinity

This article by Dr Gary Hullquist reveals some very interesting Adventist history on the development of the Adventist Fundamentals. I highly recommend the booklet he has prepared. Read More

Whidden, Wieland and Waggoner on the Atonement

At the heart of the gospel is John 3:16. As sinners we are invited to contemplate the reality that God actually gave His only begotten Son in an act of incomprehensible love. That love is measured squarely on what we understand was given. Did Christ enter the grave in the knowledge that as the second person of the Trinity, His true self would not actually die? Is the agape of God clouded with this nagging thought that Jesus had a lifeline to comfort through the physical torture and shame of the cross?

I would like to contrast some thoughts from Dr Woodrow Whidden with Pr Robert Wieland to hopefully put a focus on the difference in understanding of the atonement that exists at present. Read More

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Read from:

My Beloved - my journey in finding the Begotten Son
Divine Pattern - Principles of headship and submission in light of the Father and His Son


Theos Series - A comphrensive series of magazines covering the Doctrine of the Begotten Son from Scripture and Adventist History.

Return of Elijah - a systematic study connecting the doctrine of God to Righteousness by Faith


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?Said the angel, "Think ye that the Father yielded up His dearly beloved Son without a struggle? No, no." It was even a struggle with the God of heaven, whether to let guilty man perish, or to give His darling Son to die for them.? EW 127 (1882)