Maranatha Media

To My Lovely Bride

Posted Nov 02, 2010 by Oliver Saade in Testimonies and Stories
3,746 Hits

As I thought about my bride on our recent wedding day, I couldn't help but to note that my heavenly Father's love was being shed abroad in my heart. This short blog is to tell the world of his love, continues blessing upon me and also to introduce my lovely bride to all of you. God is good!

Our mutual love for our heavenly Father and His Son, daily reveals to us true love.
we become to each other what we must be for one another
we begin to love one another as He loves us.

A true joy from the Lord, and one so close to me, I could say "this is bone of my bone,
and flesh of my flesh.

Thank you Heavenly Father for my wife. May your image and relationship with your Son Jesus Christ, the one who has set us free, be seen in our lives daily.

This Picture was taken on our wedding day 24 October 2010

Taken on our Wedding Day