Maranatha Media

True Sanctification in the Gospel, Ready for His Coming - Newsletter

Posted Jan 28, 2015 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
3,169 Hits

Dear friends of the Father and His begotten Son.

As we venture into the year 2015 the sense of the nearness of the coming of Christ is closer than ever. The pressing question for every person is “Am I prepared for the coming of the Saviour?”

Many voices cry aloud of the apostasy of the churches and the wickedness of the nations and world leaders and while this has its place in world events, the more pressing question is “what is the state of my soul?” Am I in love with my Saviour? Do the things of this world grow strangely dim? Is my heart resting in the love of Christ in the face of wrongful treatment toward me? Are we honest with our words? Do we treat others as we would have them treat us? Further still, when someone strikes us with words on the one cheek do we turn the other? When people speak evil of us do we thank the Lord Jesus for the honour of His name?

For myself, I know that I have failed on many of these points. As I see my character in the light of the holy Law of God. I find often that when I would do good evil is present with me. It matters far less that I know all the abominations of the world and its new world order if my soul still possesses traits of character that are not in the Spirit of Christ. What profit is it if I should have all knowledge of Scripture and yet have not the love of Christ that gives itself for the blessing others and accepts shame and contempt without retaliation?

In the depth of the realisation of my hopeless condition is the measure of the grace of God in the gift of Christ. How precious is our Father to forgive sinners such as us! As we enter into this reality, boasting will cease and humility will begin to grow and confidence in the faith of Jesus will manifest in our lives.

I invite you to read this article linked below which expands on this theme.

Are you Ready for Christ to Come: True Sanctification in the Gospel

As we look for our Saviour in the Most Holy Place, may we take hold of His righteousness and be ready for the coming of Christ.

2015 Mission Tour

I am happy to announce that brother Igor Vujica and I will be traveling to the USA and Europe to meet with believers. I look forward to meeting many of you this year. I ask for your prayers for as we will for you that our Father will strengthen and help us to do and speak according to His will and be a blessing to those who love the Father and the Son.

2015 Spring Camp Meeting in Ocala Florida

We are pleased to announce that we will be attending the Ocala Fellowship Spring Camp meeting. April 3-10 2015.

I hope that you can come and join us for the fellowship. Here are the presentation titles that I have listed for the meetings

1. The Wicket Gate: The narrow way.
2. Where life comes from: Why it matters to your relationships.
3. Bible guide to Life Source: Destroying the lie.
4. The Cost of continued supply: The power of the Cross
5. The Power of the blessing: My beloved Child.
6. The Divine Pattern of Life
7. Equality and Submission: Resolving the paradox.
8. Family dynamics: Building a family treasure

For those planning to attend let us pray for a readiness for the Spirit of God to be poured out. I invite you to meditate upon these thoughts as you prepare for camp meeting

"Here is a work for families to engage in before coming up to our holy convocations. Let the preparation for eating and dressing be a secondary matter, but let deep heart searching commence at home. Pray three times a day, and, like Jacob, be importunate. At home is the place to find Jesus; then take Him with you to the meeting, and how precious will be the hours you spend there. But how can you expect to feel the presence of the Lord and see His power displayed when the individual work of preparation for that time is neglected? {5T 164.3}
For your soul's sake, for Christ's sake, and for the sake of others, work at home. Pray as you are not accustomed to pray. Let the heart break before God. Set your house in order. Prepare your children for the occasion. Teach them that it is not of so much consequence that they appear with fine clothes as that they appear before God with clean hands and pure hearts. Remove every obstacle that may have been in their way,--all differences that may have existed among themselves or between you and them. By so doing you will invite the Lord's presence into your homes, and holy angels will attend you as you go up to the meeting, and their light and presence will press back the darkness of evil angels. Even unbelievers will feel the holy atmosphere as they enter the encampment. Oh, how much is lost by neglecting this important work! You may be pleased with the preaching, you may become animated and revived, but the converting, reforming power of God will not be felt in the heart, and the work will not be so deep, thorough, and lasting as it should be. Let pride be crucified and the soul be clad with the priceless robe of Christ's righteousness, and what a meeting will you enjoy. It will be to your soul even as the gate of heaven." {5T 164.4}

I pray we can engage in this work. We have something to do in order to prepare for camp meeting. Let us ask the Lord for His grace. Let us make everything ready in our hearts. The spirit that is prominent in our hearts is the spirit that will be prominent at the gathering. Let us search our hearts and make ready for this occasion. This is my special plea for all who plan to attend. I ask those who cannot attend to pray for those who will attend that we engage in a work of deep heart searching to prepare for the infilling of the Spirit of God.

Thank you for you Support

Thankyou to all our friends around the globe that support us in various ways with your kind emails, prayers and financial support to help keep moving us forward. We have several translation projects taking place currently as well as supporting Bible work in some countries and printing books in Europe, India and Australia. We wish to expand our publishing into Russia this year if we can as well as continue to develop our German, Spanish, Serbian and Romanian websites. If you feel impressed to support this ministry you can do so by donating through Paypal on the front page of or contact us for further details.

Your brother in the begotten Son of God



Recent Articles and Resources

Video: At Risk of Eternal Loss by Pr Stephen Bohr
A wonderful presentation of the relationship of the Father and Son.

Video Series: Theos
Four parts in the series detailing to teaching of God and His Son. The series is up to part 4 with several more to come. Great to share with friends you wish to introduce to the truth about God.

Video Series: Identity Wars Revival Series
This the foundational series of Maranatha Media. If you have not seen this series and want to understand the Third Angels Message as expressed by the ministry this is the place to start.

Video Series: Divine Pattern plus Power of Submission series
These Series expound on the book Divine Pattern and seeks to apply our understanding of the Father and Son to daily living in our communities.

Video Series: Talking Rock Oct 2013 - The Third Angels Message

There was a tremendous moving of the Spirit in this series and if you have not seen it, I encourage you to watch the presentation of the Third Angel in these meetings.

Youtube channel
Vimeo Channel


Article Series: Father And Son by Adrian Ebens


Download Books by Adrian Ebens

God's Last Message of Love Evangelism KitThis is a large download. 510Meg


Links - English - German - Serbian - Romanian - Spanish - French

“Said the angel, "Think ye that the Father yielded up His dearly beloved Son without a struggle? No, no." It was even a struggle with the God of heaven, whether to let guilty man perish, or to give His darling Son to die for them.” EW 127 (1882