Maranatha Media

Unbelievable blessing in Translating New Booklet

Posted Mar 19, 2016 by Franziska Bunkus in Testimonies and Stories
1,814 Hits

Dear Adrian

It was such an unbelievable blessing to translate the booklet Gods of Egypt as LIghtnining From Heaven. It took several nights and I had to force myself to quit. I wanted even more of that glorious knowledge that gave answers to so many questions.

I see the Father and His beloved Son in a much clearer and more beautiful light now. God is living grace and love; a love, that allows His children to pursure their own ideas, even when He knows it is not good for them, and that He will feel the agony personally that results from this.

This unchangeable imperturbable Agape-love of the Father seems to me like a golden key, that is able to unlook every passage in the bible, that was hidden from me before; a key that feels like it could solve every problem in my life.

His absolutely unchangeable and firm character gives me even more confidence in His care and leadership.

Thank you for writing this booklet. Thank you for being an channel! Praise Father for revealing to you those precious thoughts!

I am looking forward to meeting you again soon here in Germany to make my key stable.

Blessings to you, my brother and your family!
