Maranatha Media

Why does my heart rejoice?

Posted Oct 04, 2013 by Alex Ge in General
2,623 Hits

Some here on Maranathamedia, know little about the ministry of Pastor Jim Staley of St. Louis - serving "Passion for the truth." Yes, Frank? Here in Russia we have the blessing of the first to see many of the materials in Russian , with free of charge. This was made possible thanks to the miraculous vocation sister Natalie Gray , who works 14 hours every day, to the knowledge of the Father and of the Son spread among 300 million Russian-speaking people on the planet. Yes, they are not directly related to the Adventists , rather - it is the root of David , our Jewish roots that have been plucked out of the church of Caesarea at the end of the 2nd century .

Ministry " Passion for Truth" rejects the Trinity . Jim himself explicitly states that Abba said in his heart. My wife and my nephew Michael, who shares our belief for a year now look at all the new doctrine, translated into Russian. We are always glad when we see Jim . Rate our joy . Do you know everything about the earthly sanctuary ? Do you know how it is connected with the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

This is the teaching of Jim Staley called " The final restoration : restoration of the temple of the Holy Spirit." Remarkably, this video appeared in Russian 13 September 2013 . What was that day? It was the eve of Yom Kippur - the Day of Atonement .

I'm intrigued you ? Let's talk if you do not mind.

Here is the link for those who speak in Russian .

Find yourself in English , I still could not. Try here or order for the money. Служение "Страсть к Истине"

I think it's time to establish direct contact with Jim Staley and his team.


Yes, for those who are worried about the state of my wife and Lilies . All is well . Lily blooms and I'll be happy to show her blue eyes to share my joy . Thank you, Abba, thank you Savior !