Maranatha Media


Title▲ AuthorPostedHits
Testimony of a Hungarian GuyViktor HorvathJan 11, 20144160
When will the latter rain be poured out?Viktor HorvathJul 10, 20134455
A Golden Nuggetkym JonesJan 28, 20132521
Arius, Athanasius & the Immutability of Godkym JonesMay 05, 20134412
Did Christ Really Die On His Cross? - `Agape' versus `The Doctrine of Natural Immortality' by Alexander Snymankym JonesDec 16, 20123806
Elijah and `The last message of mercy'.kym JonesOct 28, 20115726
Eros & our current depiction of the Trinitykym JonesApr 24, 20144291
For the Love of God; `Eros', `Agape' and `Caritas' kym JonesNov 11, 20116638
Go not ye into Egypt! How the Disobedience of Israel contributed to the Rise of the Papacykym JonesJul 27, 20145499
How shall we consider Christ?kym JonesNov 18, 20116556
Louis Berkhof and the Kenosis of Christkym JonesApr 13, 20147364
Love (`Caritas') as the essence of the Trinitykym JonesMar 17, 20133997
On any given Sunday . . . . kym JonesNov 16, 20115620
Origens (oops!) of the Athanasian Creedkym JonesOct 29, 20116258
Panentheism and the Chalcedonian (Athanasian) Creedkym JonesOct 29, 20116345
Pantheism, Panentheism and J.H. Kelloggkym JonesOct 19, 20133978
Saying "No" to temptationkym JonesFeb 24, 20133507
Seven Special Messages From Christ - R. J. Wielandkym JonesMar 13, 20132670
St Augustine and `Original Sin'kym JonesDec 25, 20123569
The Apologists of the 2nd Century & Greek philosophykym JonesDec 09, 20116621
The Chiasms of Daniel chapters 8 & 9.kym JonesApr 20, 20133718
The Divine Origin of the Soul and the Trinitykym JonesNov 06, 20115716
The Doctrine of the Divination of Man, and the Immutability of Godkym JonesMar 05, 20133619
The First Great Liekym JonesDec 29, 20123819
The influence of Origen on the Early Churchkym JonesDec 09, 20116678
The Last Generationkym JonesDec 09, 20124564
The Last Message of Mercykym JonesDec 22, 20122999
The Leopard-like Beast of Revelation 13 - Part 2kym JonesFeb 17, 20132823
The Source of Life - `The Channel of Blessing'.kym JonesDec 17, 20122462
The World Council of Churches and the Adventist Confession on the Trinitykym JonesMay 21, 20123065
The `Everlasting destruction' of the wickedkym JonesDec 09, 20116264
What form of love comprises the true Character of God? (Part One - The disciples conception of the character of God - God is agape.)kym JonesDec 15, 20122305
What form of love comprises the true Character of God? (Part Three - The infiltration of Plato's `God is Eros' into early Christian thought.)kym JonesDec 15, 20122923
What form of love comprises the true Character of God? (Part Two - Plato's conception of the character of God - `God is Eros')kym JonesDec 15, 20122165
Who will take the Son?kym JonesJan 25, 20132676
`1888' and the Atonementkym JonesDec 25, 20122774
`Deus Est Caritas' - Pope Benedict and `God is Love'kym JonesNov 20, 20116319
`Eros', `Agape' and `Caritas'kym JonesMar 24, 201210534
`For the Love of God; `Eros, Agape & Caritas', Part 2. kym JonesNov 15, 20116304