Maranatha Media

His Cross and Mine - Mead Maguire (1927)

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Added Dec 21, 2010

His Cross and Mine - Mead Maguire (1927)

From the Introduction

Today many who call themselves Christians are repudiating those truths which are based upon the substitutionary work of Christ. To others is coming a new and more vivid revelation of the reality of the
cross as the only hope of a lost world. This revelation is the result of a more thoughtful, prayerful study of the Scriptures, and more earnest contemplation of the scenes of Gethsemane and Calvary.
In this solemn hour the remnant people of God are represented in the Scripture as the Laodicean church, as fallen into a state of spiritual lukewarmness and stupor, yet contented with the condition,
reckoning themselves rich and increased with goods, and needing nothing. O for a new revelation of the cross, a vision which will bring a deeper consciousness of the dreadful, malignant nature of sin, and of the infinite mercy and compassion of God! What a mighty change
would appear should all believers heed the earnest appeal,
“When thou toils, when thou sleeps,
When thou smiles, when thou weeps,
Or in mirth, or woe, has part,
When thou contest, when thou goes,
Grief or consolation shows,