Maranatha Media

My Cup Runneth Over

Posted Nov 03, 2013 by Rebekah Fehr in General
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Life-changing events have flooded my soul with healing during the past two weeks, and I’d like to share some of them with you.  As I bare my soul before you and testify of our Father’s marvelous love for His children, may you receive a blessing. I praise the Father for His wonderful works to the children of men!

Through the gift of someone’s generosity, I flew from Minneapolis to Atlanta on October 16 to attend the feast of tabernacles in Georgia. This was the first time for me to receive the blessings of the feast with this group of believers, but from the outset, it was as if we had known each other for years.

One glorious event during the camp meeting was the Service of Blessing during which Brother Adrian called the young men of the congregation to the front to receive a blessing for the various ministries and gospel endeavors they have been called to. This is similar to the way Abraham and other patriarchs blessed their sons and the way our Savior was sent forth on His mission by His Father. However, the Spirit of God soon impressed Pastor Adrian to open the invitation to the older men and to us women as well until everyone who coveted the blessing had an opportunity to receive it.  Time seemed to stand still during that service.


I stood in the front with the others to support those receiving the blessing, but I didn’t kneel down to be singled out by name to receive one, choosing instead to return to my seat, in tears. The evil one convinced me that I was woefully inadequate, that I was too unworthy, too unclean, to receive such a blessing. I didn’t believe the blessing was for me.

As I sat crying out to my Savior, “Help Thou mine unbelief”, a caring brother and sister gently encouraged me to go forward, saying that although I could be blessed right there at my seat, I would receive a greater blessing and greater healing by going forward, so I very reluctantly returned to the front to be prayed over.

Brother Adrian’s prayer of blessing reminded me that I am a precious daughter of the King and there is a special room in the heavenly mansions prepared for me. This was music to my gypsy ears, and sweet healing flowed to my soul through the Spirit of Christ.

Another blessed event was having the opportunity to be re-baptized along with 10 others. (I had desired re-baptism for more than 5 years, ever since I was reconverted in Canada.) Ellen White says,

“The Lord calls for a decided reformation. And when a soul is truly reconverted, let him be rebaptized. Let him renew his covenant with God, and God will renew His covenant with him. . . . Reconversion must take place among the members, that as God's witnesses they may testify to the authoritative power of the truth that sanctifies the soul.” Letter 63, 1903.  {Ev 375.2}


An added motivation for my request for re-baptism was my new understanding of the truth about the relationship between the Father and the Son, the culmination of more than 2 years of intense study about what it means to know and love the one true God.

As I publicly asked my Kinsman-Redeemer to spread His skirt over me, His handmaiden, I submitted myself to the headship of Christ in the waters of baptism and accepted the ‘covering’ our heavenly Father has provided through the righteousness of His only begotten Son. What a joy to share this solemn and triumphant occasion with my brothers and sisters in Christ!

The love and acceptance I experienced during those two weeks was a welcome relief to the years of rejection and misunderstanding that the locusts had eaten. We pressed together with one another, putting aside all envy and malice, repenting freely in this safe place, to the glory of our Father in heaven who longs to see His children of one heart and mind, the heart and mind of His beloved Son.

I praise the Father also for providing a waterfall as the location for our baptism. For me, it was especially meaningful because of the healing I experienced while living near a waterfall in Costa Rica for three blissful months. It was beside that waterfall that I received inspiration for my book about depression and premenstrual dysphoric disorder, “Shine for Me, Blue Butterfly!” and was called to shine for Him.

But wait! There’s more! Twenty-four hours before my flight back to Minneapolis, the community of faith accepted the responsibility of being my financial ‘covering’ and Talking Rock Sabbath Chapel offered me a part-time position. This was just one day before I was due to arrive at a homeless shelter for Christian women in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, my new home. 

Although at this point I may not fully appreciate the heavenly humor in such timing (my human cry is, “Abba, why did You wait until the very last minute?”), I delight in the peace that I experienced with my Saviour during the very midst of the storm. He is faithful who hath promised. I know I can trust Him.

The transition for me – from being one day away from needing to accept the ‘covering’ of the State of Wisconsin to being offered the ‘covering’ of this community of faith – has my head and heart spinning. Praise the Father for His precious balm in Gilead!

Regarding answered prayer, Sister White says,

“The answer may come with sudden velocity and overpowering might, or it may be delayed for days and weeks, and our faith receive a trial. But God knows how and when to answer our prayer. It is our part of the work to put ourselves in connection with the divine channel. God is responsible for His part of the work. He is faithful who hath promised. The great and important matter with us is to be of one heart and mind, putting aside all envy and malice and, as humble supplicants, to watch and wait. Jesus, our Representative and Head, is ready to do for us what He did for the praying, watching ones on the Day of Pentecost.” 3SP 272 (1878).  {LDE 194.2} 

As an unmarried woman, a ‘widow’ so to speak, with an invisible disability, I have desperately needed this covering for many years. Until now, no church has accepted caring for me as part of their responsibility. But finally the Father has lead me to a flock, a body of believers who are willing to be a channel of blessing for me, who have accepted me and my specific needs, and who are willing to work with me that I may flourish and grow in a safe place. The Father has blessed me tremendously in this, and I pray that I can reciprocate by being a channel of blessing to other people in pain and need. My heart’s desire is that as I experience the Spirit of our Savior, the life of the Father will flow through me that I may minister to those in my circle of influence. The Spirit of the Savior was that He was willing to let go of His relationship with His Father so that we might have the opportunity to love the Father.


I plead for this experience of submission, and I pray that you will plead for the same, that He will give us the understanding of the value of one soul so that we can’t get off our knees until the Spirit of Christ is interceding for this person. Then as we allow the Spirit to move in our lives, that person can see just how loving He is and choose whether to have Christ as their Savior and King. This is my passion and purpose as I seek a more intimate relationship with my Divine Beloved.

“We should improve every opportunity of placing ourselves in the channel of blessing. . . . The convocations of the church, as in camp meetings, the assemblies of the home church, and all occasions where there is personal labor for souls, are God's appointed opportunities for giving the early and the latter rain.”  {FLB 246.6}

Iplaced myself in the channel of blessing by attending the camp meeting in Georgia, and now, praise the Father, I am a new woman in Christ with new opportunities to serve the body of Christ in a new place, and with a new purpose! I have been blessed far beyond I could ever ask or imagine. It’s time to enjoy the ‘abundantly above all’ blessings He has drenched me with. I am soaked to the skin in the Father’s mercy.

Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us…” Ephesians 3:20.


No Respector of Persons

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