Maranatha Media

Itinerary for 2014 USA and Europe Tour - Newsletter

Posted Mar 27, 2014 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
2,861 Hits

This year we hope to have the pleasure of meeting as many of you as we are able. I am including the first part of my itinerary for the USA and Europe tour. My great desire is to uplift our precious Saviour and the joy that comes to those who are born again in the light of the cross of Christ. I also pray that hearts will be knitted together in love as we fellowship in the Spirit of Christ and that we will be enabled to press together in order to link arms and take to the world the Third Angel's message to prepare this world for the coming unification of Catholics and Protestants that will give rise to the miracle working power of Satan. I ask for your prayers as we make this trip and that we will be of service to the children of God who are anchored in the Third Angel's message and encourage them to go forth with faces lighted up and hastening from house to house with the precious message for these last days.


April 12-23 Talking Rock Spring Camp Meeting. Georgia Contact for details.


Sabbath April 12 - In My Father's House
Tuesday April 15 - Divine Pattern of the Cross
Sabbath April 19 - Coming Home for a Blessing
Sunday  April 20 - Purge Out the Old Leaven
Monday April 21 - Divine Pattern of Life

April 24 Dallas

April 26 Kansas, Oklahoma  Contact Lynnford Beachy for details
150 Cherokee St., Kansas, Oklahoma 74347

10:00am TBA
11:00am Adrian Ebens - Road to Freedom
3pm TBA
7pm Adrian Ebens - The Law of the Kingdom

April 28-May 4 Terra Bella. CA. Contact Sandy Clark for details.

1. Lessons on Nineveh
2. Peter and the First Angel
3. Mary and the Second Angel
4. God's Love in the Third Angel
5. Divine Pattern of the Cross
6. Road to Freedom
7. Divine Pattern of Life

May 5-7 Missoula Montana. Contact Frank Klin from TRSC for Details

May 8-11 Billings Montana

Sermon: Thought it Not Robbery  

Here is a recent sermon showing the connection between the Third Angel's message and a belief in the begotten Son of God as central to Righteousness by Faith.

Book Projects

I am pleased to announce that the German edition of Identity Wars is in process of being printed. We pray this little volume will bless our German brethren. Please visit for details. We hope soon to have the Russian and Hindi editions of this book ready for printing.

Thank you!

We just want to thank all our supports who make this ministry possible. Your prayers, emails and financial support help make our work possible. We pray the joy of Jesus will fill your hearts and homes with love.

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