Maranatha Media

Kingdom of Heaven Manifested

Posted Jun 22, 2016 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
2,509 Hits

In This Issue:

-Pentecost 2016
-Theos Video Series
-Thoughts on Pentecost
-Begotten Son Disfellowshipped in South Africa 
-Sabbath Fountain
-Framework for Daniel and Revelation

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that this newsletter finds you rich in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a joy to wake each morning and know that the blood of Jesus covers us and we can take His hand and walk through the day to face our challenges.

In this edition we have a report on a recent meetings at Pentecost as well as some of the latest resources available.

Pentecost 2016 - Kingdom of Heaven Manifested

Two weeks before Pentecost I was walking along the beach and praising our Father for His wonderful creation. I also was thinking about what things needed to be included in our Pentecost event. Suddenly in my mind I imagined the elders rising to honour the grandfathers amongst us and taking the opportunity to thank them for their hard work over the years to provide for their families.  I thought about how much harder things were sixty years ago and how much self-sacrifice was required to raise a family. I wanted to honour these men in our community and thank the Lord for them. How much we need Grandfathers. Their years of life experience should be considered a treasure to the community of faith and drawn out whenever possible. [Read More...]

Theos Video Series

The popular Theos series is no complete with the 12th presentation just released in the past week. The final presentation covers the change from the truth about God in early Adventism to the the new Trinity view. See Presentation 12 - From True to New

See the whole series here


These videos are great to introduce people to the truth of the Father and Son and what changes have taken place in Christian History and the Adventist Church

Thoughts on Pentecost

Wanted to share some thoughts on Pentecost, the feast of Weeks, or Shavuot as it is called in the Hebrew. This special day marks the 50th day after the first Shabbat, or seventh-day Sabbath in the feast of unleavened bread. It is the only annual appointed time that is not designated by a specific date. It is determined only by the counting of seven complete cycles of seventh-day Sabbaths. When we look back at the Jewish economy before the Son of God came as our Redeemer did anything of significance happen on this day? What really happened on the day of Pentecost ten days after our Saviour’s ascension? Is there any meaning or importance in Shavuot today? Will there be in the future? With these thoughts I pray each of us will discover the answers to these questions and have a better understanding of the relevance of this day. [Read More...]

Begotten Son Disfellowshipped in South Africa

The Proceedings was against us, Bester and Nina (my wife) Snyman. No proceedings was filed against my son although the question was asked, in a prior visit at our home, by the local pastor, if my son(15) held the same views regarding the Trinity. I reminded him that my son had filed no variance with the Church and the Fundamental Beliefs, and my son being under my roof, that we will determine the way forward with him. Read More

Sabbath Fountain

SabbathFountain-tmb.jpgThis is our latest booklet revealing how the blessed Spirit of Jesus flows to us through the Sabbath appointments. This work is the culmination of a fifteen year journey that began back at the beginning of 2001.

I share this book with you from my heart and pray it will bless you as much in reading it as I have enjoyed writing it. There are great beams of light in the Sabbath rest. Christ comes especially near to us at these times. Let us respond to His call and enter fully into His rest.

You can access this and other books here:

Framework For Daniel and Revelation

One of the many blessings of being connected to the Advent movement is the fact that its foundations were laid in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation which flowed into the midnight cry of 1844. While some are tempted to slumber upon those prophetic foundations laid so firmly still others are feeling the tension of over 170 years of apparent delay in the coming of Christ. The prophetic foundational stones of understanding found in the works of William Miller, Josiah Litch, Uriah Smith, Stephen Haskell and Alonzo T. Jones amongst others are feeling the pressure of human history continuing towards two centuries beyond the midnight cry of 1844. [Read More...]


Next month we will be in Germany running our Bible Training Program. We hope to see some of you there. Below is my Itinerary for the rest of the year

July 25-Sept 11 - German Training Program
Sept 15-18 - Camp Meeting in Southern France
Sept 28 - Oct 1 Meetings in Serbia
Oct 7-10 Meetings in Romania
Oct 17-24 Tabernacles in Germany 
Oct 28-30 Talking Rock Georgia, USA
Nov 4-6 Meetings in Ocala, Florida, USA
Nov 11-13 Meetings in Wisconsin, USA

Adrian Ebens
Maranatha Media