Maranatha Media

My Testimony by way of Introduction.

Posted Feb 05, 2012 by Michael Nickson in General
3,932 Hits

Greetings to all.

In my sixty eight years i have come from Anglicanism (CoE), Armstrongism (WCG), Adventist Reformism (SDARM), to what i'll call Godheadism, having learned of the Truth about the Father and The Son in the late 1990's while a member of the SDARM. My journey didn't take me into the main body of Adventists which i refer to as  "the Big Church", but i did obtain a deep education into the "old paths" along which trod all the early Advent Pioneers which proved invaluable, and is perhaps critical to all who want a better understanding of just how deep and widespread the apostacy in the Big Church has become.

Growing up in Melbourne, i was the second eldest of six boys and held no particular religious interest despite Dad being an Elder in St. John's Church Camberwell. Mom left the family home for another man when i was about twelve leaving Dad to do his best with the six rascals.  Publicaly  schooled, i reached the Intermediate level at Camberwell High and went straight to work in the insurance industry where i spent most of my working life until early retirement in 1999.

I met my first wife in Sydney while she was visiting from Vancouver, Canada in 1969, followed her back in 1970, and married in August after having successfully completed the immigration process. We have two wonderful children, Matt now 35, and Geoff 34, neither of whom are married. Unfortunately their parents separated in 1982 divorcing four years later. One of the main reasons  this occurred was because of my inability to behave in a Christlike manner after joining the WCG in 1981. Indeed, i had still not learned this wonderful Way by the time i met and married my second wife in 2001 so that relationship too was doomed to failure. There is something to be said against many men who enter such strict disciplined body's as the WCG and SDARM; they become fanatics as was i, majoring in the minors.

I left the SDARM in 2001 because of their stand on worshiping three gods and have not looked back since. Strangely, even to this day they say they don't. One paragraph from my Letter of Resignation tells the story:

"The 1914 expulsion of the heroic defenders for truth that led to the official organization in 1925 of the SDARM, still stands as a monument for freedom of religious conviction, and so it should. But few realize the fatal mistake, that while they left behind the sin of not transgressing the sixth commandment, they unwittingly took with them the sin of transgressing the first, by reorganizing themselves along the same lines as the very body that disfellowshipped them, despite the incessant pleading of Sister White and others in the years leading up to, and especially after, 1888."

I've been living more or less permanently in Canada for the past forty one years and presently reside as a single in a lovely little semi rural area called Grand Forks, BC where I am part of two very small Sabbath and Father and Son believing groups, in which one of your other bloggers, Russell Unterschultz is active.

It has been a pleasure to have stumbled upon your ministry, i think Adrian has a refreshing, pleasing style and i am most impressed.