Maranatha Media

None but the Son

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The fall of man filled all heaven with sorrow,
There seemed to be no escape for tomorrow.
In their minds they saw Him like He is not -
His loving character they completely forgot.

The woe's of the lost world rose up before Him.
The angels ceased their joyful singing.
The Son of God was touched with pity for the fallen race.
But Divine Love already had a plan in place.

Punishment for the broken law is demanded by the deceiver.
The fallen human race now needs a Redeemer.
None but the Son can make atonement for men
So that he can be in harmony with heaven again.

The Son of God would take the guilt and shame of sin.
To rescue every soul from eternal ruin.
The King of the universe struggled to yield up His Son
To come down to earth and die for everyone.

How can He let His precious Son go through all this suffering?
But He loved the world and gave His only Begotten as an offering.
This is the mystery of redemption!
The love God has for men, it is beyond comprehension. 

A world that does not love Him, 
Blaming Him from the very beginning.
With judgmental mindsets and unforgiving hearts,
We are infected with the enemy's poison darts.

Unbeknownst we keep on to say
It is God who ruins lives every day.
While we keep the Son daily on the cross.
We exalt the enemy in spite of eternal loss.

Out of this bondage we all can come
When we follow Jesus' footsteps one by one.
He never judged, never condemned,
The broken hearts He would always mend.

The love of the Father He came to show.
His true character for all to know.
And if you study close you will see
That He is not what we thought Him to be.