Maranatha Media

Putting the Pieces Together (by Susan in Kenya)

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I am Susan, married to David. It was on a Sabbath and we had gone to church as usual. We had planned to conduct open air evangelism in three different centres. In the afternoon we decided to visit brethren to inform them we had plans to conduct a crusade near their church and it would be better if they would help in following up after the two week crusade.

While we were there, we heard they were going to have visitors from South Africa (Frikkie and Morris, see their vlog of the drive from South Africa to Kenya and back) and they would like share with them. We just listened to them suggesting where they would meet and the dates. Since we were not from there, we never said or asked anything concerning that visit. When we went back home, my husband and I decided we would attend that meeting even though we were not invited.

The day came when the visitors were coming, and I said to myself, “since we were not invited, we should not go”, and so we went to our work places. At around 11:00am I received a call from my husband and he asked me to attend that meeting…maybe those visitors had light which we don’t have.

When I reached there they were on a lunch break, and I met the guests. I was introduced to Elder Frikkie. After lunch they started from where they had left, and they were learning about the Sanctuary (Specifically the two thrones on the north side and the table of shrewbread, 6 each). I didn’t have a book, only a pen, so I borrowed a paper and wrote some verses and quotes (EGW) which I studied keenly. (See South Africa website)

When I went bakck home after studying those verses, I came to realise of course I was a surface reader and I knew nothing about the Holy Spirit. We were given some books: The Mirror and the Lie, and Acts of Our Gentle God. I knew Jesus Christ is the revelation of God, His Father, and this book, The Mirror and the Lie, explained this further. This book also helped me on how to read and study.

I also read Acts of our Gentle God, and through the first chapter came to realise that I thought I knew the character of God because I could tell people God destroys no one (COL 84), but Exodus 34:6-7 made me realize I truly didn’t know well about God’s character of love.

And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, "The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation."

Praise God after some time of studying alone, this young man Allan, very determined, did a follow up. He texted me and asked me if I’ve read the books they had given. I told him I’ve read, althought not many pages, but they are nice, easy to read, and they are helping me a lot. He would text me almost every evening even and say that if there is anything I can’t understand, he is there to help. I could ask questions and he could answer them. I could tell my husband those books are very nice; they have simple English which every person reading them can understand.

One evening, we decided to invite Allan to come to our church because we had separated from the Mainstream SDA church, and he accepted to come. We requested him to give the Bible study, and if it is okay with him to give even the sermon. We loved the way he presented the messages and we were so happy and requested him to coming every Sabbath. That day he gave some books and he gave me The Divine Pattern. He did give me time to study and after some time he asked me whether I’ve read, and I told him I couldn’t understand “of whom” and “by whom”. He explained to me very clearly and now I understand about the source and the channel. Like with little ones, Allan has been teaching us so well, at our pace, so that every church member understands.

When Allan went to South Africa, I could text him and ask him when I didn’t understand and even followed the teachings which were presented in English during the Tabernacles meeting. Now I understand about the Father-Son relationship, about the Holy Spirit, and that it matters to know God as He really is – all of this reconciles us to Him, Colossians 1:21

“And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath He reconciled…”

I have also learned about the law of submission, which helps me to rest in the channel. I have received healing and life after having knowledge of my Father’s character of love, and I am determined to act my part in soul saving – not in my own strength but in the strength of Christ.

Allan Gathoni preaching on "The Righteousness of God" in South Africa for Tabernacles

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