Maranatha Media

Reflections on the Father and Son

Posted Dec 21, 2011 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
2,699 Hits


Dear maranatha media subscriber

We just want to take this time to thank all our contributors at Maranatha Media. Your articles and comments help to enrich our fellowship and deepen our understanding of the Word of God. We know at this time of year, many of our family and friends are engaged in the festivities of the season. Dr Gary Hullquist has put together a greeting card that uplifts the begotten Son of God. You can download and share this from the website.

Spanish Version of Maranatha Media
We are happy to inform our readers that we are developing a Spanish version of Maranatha Media. It is available at It is still under construction, but for our Spanish readers we invite you to check it out.

Paypal Donation Option
Thank you to our friends who have been supporting Maranatha Media. We have now added a paypal facility to the website to make donating easier. Check the top right of the home page.

Latest Sermon Presentation

True Mediator - Cornerstone of Sanctification from Maranatha Media on Vimeo.

The Biblical teaching of the Most Holy Place reveals that intercession for sin will end just before the Second Coming. The ability to maintain this belief depends completely upon the pedigree of your mediator. Is your mediator able to sanctify you completely, can He carry you all the way to the City above? Does your mediator truly mediate between the Father and humanity? Within the Trinity, Jesus is both mediator and being mediated on behalf of and therefore the mediation is symbolic and metaphorical. Is metaphorical mediation satisfactory?

Feature Article
I really enjoyed reading this article by Dr Gary Hullquist. It really brings together some blessed thoughts on our wonderful Father and His Son. I pray it will bless you as it has blessed me.

Adrian Ebens

Reflections of the Father and His Son

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