Maranatha Media

The Divine Pattern of Life Newsletter

Posted Feb 26, 2014 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
2,857 Hits

Website and server Upgrade.

It has been a few months since our last newsletter. We have been busy upgrading the entire website to give greater security and also provide better access to resources. We also have moved to a new server location where the website is operated. I know it is taking a little time to get use to the new system but hopefully the website continues to be a blessing to the many people who visit us. If you have noticed anything that needs fixing or adjusting please contact us.

Trip to the USA and Europe

I am pleased to announce that I and my brother Igor Vujica will be visiting the USA between April and June. We will be attending the passover camp meeting in Talking Rock Georgia which offically starts on Monday April 14 and finishes April 21. I will be taking the Sabbath meeting before the camp on April 12 as well as some meetings during the camp. I would like to invite all who can attend to try and be there. I would love to meet and fellowship with you. I will then be spending some time on the West Coast before coming back to hopefully conduct an Identity Wars Public program in Virginia. I also am planning to spend some time in Florida in June. If there are groups that would like to hold some meetings in the period of June in the states adjoining Georgia, I am open as the Lord leads the way. We will then be travelling to spend time in Serbia, Romania, (July) Germany/Netherlands (Aug) and France (Sept). I will then return to Georgia for the fall Camp Meeting before returning to Australia at the end of October. I will be away from home nearly seven months but my wife encouraged me that its something that needs to be done and she encouraged me to move forward to proclaim the Third Angel's message as it has been given to me. I am a blessed man. Please remember my family in prayer during this time apart. We also ask for your prayers that our Father will send us where we are needed most and will be a channel for our Father's Spirit of love made available to us in Christ Jesus.

Divine Pattern of Life

The more I study the Scripture in light of the Father and Son the more I find that everything in my life is stamped with their Divine Pattern of Life. In this study I present some thoughts on the divine pattern found in tithing as well as the divine pattern found in the Sabbath. We know that when the Sun and the Moon are aligned with the earth, we experience a spring tide or a greater moving of the waters than usual. When we see the alignment of Father and Son in the Divine Pattern we will receive a higher tide of spiritual experience. The same applies to when we place the Old and New Testament in a correct alignment and the same applies to the Bible and the Spirt of Prophecy and many other things. I have been so blessed by this study and I pray it will bless you also. CLICK HERE to read this study.

Taking Identity Wars Door to Door

Recently a friend of mine in Dallas, Texas had a series of events that has led him to take the books Identity Wars door to door in a book canvassing ministry. This little book is proving a blessing to many people and we are looking other people who might be interested in taking up this work. Just the other day another friend in Florida expressed interest in doing this work and will be going to the doors. For those coming to the Spring Camp Meeting in Georgia there will be opportunity to engage this work and get the message out. If we are interested in the type of work in the USA or have some thoughts for other areas please let us know. 

Return of Elijah in French.

I am very pleased to announce that the book Return of Elijah has been fully translated into French by our dear friends Marc and Elisabeth Fury and their team. The book has just gone to press and will be available very shortly. Please contact our friends at:

to enquire about receiving your copy. Igor and I will be attending a Camp Meeting with Marc and Elisabeth from Sep 4-9 later this year. It will be a real blessing to meet the brethren there.

More Translation.

We have much translation work taking place at the moment. We hope to have Return of Elijah available in Serbian before the end of the year. Progress is being made with Return of Elijah in Romanian as well as Divine Pattern. We also have Identity Wars, Divine Pattern and My Beloved available in Spanish and Serbian. I am grateful for the many reports I am receiving from those being blessed. I learned just the other day that My Beloved in Spanish is really being well received in Peurto Rico. We rejoice for this news.

Thank you.

I wish to say a special thank you to all our kind supporters that make it possible to maintain the websites, provide for Bible work and translation and printing of books and resources in several countries. We also thank many of you that we know pray for us and the work we are doing. Thank you so much for all your support. For those interested in supporting our ministry, you can donate via paypal on our website or contact us via the website for other options. Above all I want to thank our heavenly Father who risked losing His Son forever in order to save us.

"He permitted Him to meet life's peril in common with every human soul, to fight the battle as every child of humanity must fight it, at the risk of failure and eternal loss."  (Desire of Ages page 49)

It is this gift that defines the love of our Father. It is a love that constrains me to cry out "thank you thank you for your matchless love. To you belongs honour and glory and power forever and ever in Jesus precious name."

Recent Articles and Resources

Street Ministry Evangelism - Jeff Wilson

Testimony of a Hungarian Guy - Viktor Horvath

Foundations, Landmarks and Pillars - Adrian Ebens 

Article Series on the Law
- Adrian Ebens

Divine Pattern - Key to the Law

Divine Pattern – Sun and Moon, Sabbath and the Law

The Law of the Wise is a Fountain of Life.


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“Said the angel, "Think ye that the Father yielded up His dearly beloved Son without a struggle? No, no." It was even a struggle with the God of heaven, whether to let guilty man perish, or to give His darling Son to die for them.” EW 127 (1882)