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Agape Versus Eros - Only Father and Son Reveal Agape

Part of series Life Stream 2017

See Also

Quotes from Sermon on Agape and Eros
Agape is often contrasted with eros, which is not found in the New Testament though it is prominent in Greek philosophy. Eros can refer to a vulgar, carnal love, but in the context of Hellenic thought it takes the form of spiritual love that aspires to procure the highest good. Eros is the desire to possess and enjoy; [The need or desire for another] agape is the willingness to serve without reservations.... Eros is attracted to that which has the greatest value; [need for equal status or co-equality] agape goes out to the least worthy. Eros discovers value [seeks equal] wheras agape creates value. [makes equal] Agape is a gift love whereas eros is a need love. Eros springs from a deficiency that must be satisfied. Agape is the overflowing abundance of divine grace. (`God the Almighty': Power, Wisdom, Holiness and Love', D. Bloesch, 2006, p. 147.)
Augustine's definition of love (which is needs based)
“Love is of some one that loves, and with love something is loved.” Augustine. De Trinitite “On the Trinity” Book VIII
Adventist definition which is needs based
If God is truly—in His very essence—the God of “love” (John 3:16 and 1 John 4:8), then we need to consider the following implications. Could one who has existed from all eternity past and who made us in His loving image—could this God truly be called love if He existed only as a solitary being? Is not love especially divine love, possible only if the one who made our universe was a plural being who was exercising “love” within His divine plurality from all eternity past?...[now quotes from Bruce Metzger] “The Unitarian professes to agree with the statement that ‘God is love.’ But these words ‘God is love,’ have no real meaning unless God is at least two Persons. Love is something that one person has for another person. If God were a single person, then before the universe was made, he was not love. For, if love be of the essence of God, he must have possessed an eternal object of love. Furthermore, perfect love is possible only between equals. Just as a man cannot satisfy or realize his powers of love by loving the lower animals, so God cannot satisfy or realize his love by loving man or any creature. Being infinite, he must have eternally possessed an infinite object of his love, some alter ego, or, to use the language of traditional Christian theology, a consubstantial, co-eternal, and co-equal Son. The Trinity, Whidden, Moon and Reeve Page 115,116.
The statement spoken by many Adventist ministers that in order for there to be love there must be one to love is a needs based love and therefore is Eros
Roman Catholic Definition of God's Love
God is the absolute and ultimate source of all being; but this universal principle of creation—the Logos, primordial reason—is at the same time a lover with all the passion of a true love. Eros is thus supremely ennobled, yet at the same time it is so purified as to become one with agape. Pope Benedict IX Encyclical Letter, 2005, Deus Caritas Est “God is Love.”

Presented: Feb 25, 2017
Presenter: Adrian Ebens