Maranatha Media

New Book - The Divine Pattern

Posted Feb 29, 2012 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
3,148 Hits


Dear maranathamedia subscriber


We are pleased to announce that the book Divine Pattern has now been published. We are giving away 100 copies of the book free. Simply email us your address details and we will mail you a copy of the book.

The Divine pattern touches every aspect of our lives and holds the key to joy, peace and harmony within our marriages, communities, churches and all social structures within our world.

In the relationship between God and His Son, we behold the key to this divine pattern. The more and more we behold them, love them and pattern our lives after them, the more receptive we become to their channel of blessing in our lives.


Before this world began, Satan and his angels moved to obscure the divine pattern and replace it with a counterfeit that would break the circuit of God's boundless love and bring untold misery to the world.

Uncover this deceptive counterfeit and see, in the great original divine pattern the key for returning our church to the worship of God and His Son.

You can also purchase it from these bookstores
Barnes and Noble

We Have Moved.
Over the past week or so we have moved our websites to a new server to deal with the increasing demand. This process is almost complete and we trust that our new facility will keep pace with the web traffic we are getting.

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Are your membership details up to date? We plan in the coming months to mail out some resources to those who have a current address listed. If you details are not up to date, you can edit your profile by selecting the Edit Profile menu option under the Community Menu. You will need to login before accessing this option.

Get Involved
We have been pleased to see the number of members sharing blogs of things they are learning in the Word of God. Do you have something to share? [Click Here] for instructions on how to submit a blog article. Articles that are submitted come to our moderators for checking before publishing. If we receive a high volume of articles in a short period, there maybe a delay in publishing the article.

Other books in the Webstore

Life Matters     AUD $17.95

Building a Family Treasure A loving Christian Family will speak more for the principles of Christianity than all the sermons that can be preached. This book shows how the core teachings of the Bible are designed to build strong family and church relati

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The Return of Elijah     AUD $19.95

This book takes you step by step showing the connection between the foundational lie of the Serpent in the garden to the train of false doctrine that has engulfed the Adventist Church.

Paperback 320 Pages by Adrian Ebens or get ebook for $5.00



Identity Wars     AUD $9.95

A Foundational Study in Righteousness by Faith. We are God's Beloved Children and this and this alone is the source of our identity and value. Saying this is easy, living it is much harder.

Paperback 90 Pages by Adrian Ebens or get ebook for $5.00 Also available is a Spanish edition from or Barnes and Noble


Sabbath Diagnosis     AUD $13.95

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His Story in the Stars     AUD $11.95

The stars, celestial luminaries of intergalactic space, were placed for signs--to represent something of significance ...The plague of flies was a sign to the Egyptians of God's supremacy and power. The retreating sun dial shadow was a sign to Hezekiah of

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