New thesis on the history
Just read a new article about the history of SDA's development of the Trinity doctrine. It is written by PHD professor Kozirog, Bernard (2013): The Doctrinal Peculiarity of 19th Century Advetism: Taeaching About The Trinity. Published in: International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2013): pp. 32-49.
What I cant understand is how highly educated people can regurgitate the same party-line disinformation year after year without doing serious fact checking.
Now, I dont know if Dr. Bernard is an SDA or not. Yet this article is a classic example of the distortion of fact when information is "explained" by too many people. Remember sitting around the campfire at camp as a kid. Remember one person wispering a short-story, and every one passed that same information and by the end of the circle the story was something completly different? This is the same.