Maranatha Media

Our Merciful Gracious Father

Posted Mar 30, 2016 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
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serpent-revealedIn this newsletter we are blessed to share four new booklets that speak to the subject of the character of God. How do we reconcile the wholesale slaughter of nations by Israel with the sword against the words of Christ?

…for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.

Not only men, women and children also:

Deut 2:34  And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain:

The Bible also contains several instances of sentencing people to be stoned to death for their transgressions. Where did this practice come from? Did God introduce this idea to Moses or did it come from some other source.

image2What about passages like this?

Num 11:1  And when the people complained, it displeased the LORD: and the LORD heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the LORD burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp.

How do we reconcile this fact with a loving God? Jesus told us:

Matt 7:2  For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Is it possible that the judgments that fell upon Israel related to their ideas of judgment rather than from God Himself? Did the sin of the golden calf change anything in the relationship between God and Israel? Is it important to know? To him that hath ears let him hear.

Isaiah 28:21 speaks about God's strange Act towards the wicked. What is this image4strange act that God does? Many say it is an uncharacteristic act of God that cleanses the Universe of sin. Is God ever not in His character?


Who is the God that you worship. Is He the author of life, love and freedom or is He a combinational author of life and death. Are God’s mercy and justice two opposing sides in His nature or is justice an expression of His mercy?

Is God in the earthquake, wind and fire as well as in the still small voice? Has God personally burned thousands to death like what happened in Nagasaki and Hiroshima? Why did Jesus rebuke the disciples for wishing to call down fire from heaven and completely reject their idea even when they cited Elijah for support?

Is there consistency in Jesus standing before Joshua with a sword drawn and telling His disciples that those who take the sword will perish with it?  

image 4When we ponder the subject of the plagues of Egypt many say that it thundered but in the light of the gospel there is a sweet angelic voice preaching to us the cross of Christ. The gospel was preached to Israel as well us to us. Heb 4:2


Through His work of mediation, Christ had long pleaded for the people of Egypt. He stood in the ever widening gap of apostasy until finally the demands of the destroyer had to be granted. In the sorrowful slaughter of Egypt we hear echoes of the Saviour’s footsteps towards the cross. In the lifting up of the serpent rod the character of the destroyer was revealed as was also the selfless love of God and His Son. Truly all men are drawn to Christ in this light.

Look beyond the thunder, the hail and blood and see herein a portrait of the suffering Son of God wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities.

We invite you to study the booklets. Just click on the images above to access each booklet. We pray that it will bless you to know our Father truly is loving, gracious and merciful and that will let every person receive the fruits of their own decisions.


Maranatha Media Passover 2016

Start Date: Thurday Evening April 21
End Date: Sabbath Evening April 30.

Location: Widgee QLD 4570. 30 Minutes west of Gympie

We have facilities for Camping and Caravans. There is a shower and toilet amenities block and also cooking facilities.

Please contact Eddie Perez to register for the camp meeting.

Latest News

We are placed to announce the opening of some new language websites. - France - Bulgaria - Russia

We recently have printed My Beloved in India in English and the book is currently being translated into Hindi.

We have several new booklets in several languages now available. Here are some of the new ones in English

Discarding Augsutine's Covenant Glasses to Receive the Latter Rain

image5At the birth of Adventism after it’s foundations had been laid, part of the material used to build on the foundation was the wood and straw of Augustine’s false covenant theology. Using these false glasses the Advent movement built a wall around two key Bible texts found in Galatians 3:19-24 and Colossians 2:16,17.

The Lord sent a most precious message through elders Jones and Waggoner to burn us this stubble and wood that was blocking the completion of the Adventist message under the power of the Latter Rain.

Through the inspiration of Satan, the cry went out in desperation to stand by the landmarks and defend the law in Galatians according a dispensational view of the covenants. Even though this teaching was not a landmark several Adventist leaders bound themselves to this idol and determined to go to the grave with it.Shall we learn the sad lessons of this history and use the covenant key given to Waggoner to complete the work of the Adventist movement? It has been just on 120 years since Christ was made bitterly disappointed at the reject of this most precious message. We are being given another opportunity to enter the land with the visitation of this iniquity being completed to the third and fourth generation. Let us go up and possess this promised land!

The Wisdom of God - An Excellent Introduction to the Truth About God Message

image6He that has the Son has life. Why is this so? For in the Son of God resides the pure heart of an obedient Son to His Father. He always does those things that please the Father. He also has the Father’s blessing and deep affection. The heart of the Son rests perfectly in His Father’s love.

It is the wisdom of the Father to share the Spirit of His beloved Son with the universe; a sweet, gentle and obedient Spirit that loves His Father’s commandments. Christ is the wisdom of God and the security of a loving relational kingdom.

This gentle Spirit flows forth from the throne of God through the tree of life. Satan rejected the Son of God and His gentle Spirit. His rebellious Spirit was at war with the gentle, meek and obedient Spirit of the Son of God. This spirit of rebellion was passed to the human race. In the sacrifice of Christ we are offered once again this gentle Spirit. The secret to having this Spirit is to know who the Father and Son are – this is life eternal to know the Father and His Son and drink for the fountain of living water that flows from the throne of God and the Lamb.

If you don't know the identity of the Son of God you can't discern his submissive obedient Spirit, you can't taste of the blessing that the Father pours upon Him. In contrast, if you know the Begotten Son, then you shall be free indeed.

This booklet also provides a good introduction to the book Life Matters

What About the Feasts - By Gary Hullquist and Adrian Ebens

image7What about the Feasts?
Good question.
This booklet answers the following questions:Are the Statutes required for us to keep today? What are included in the Statutes?
Do the feasts contain moral principles? Must we keep the Statutes to be saved? Why do we keep some of the Statutes but not all? Are the Feasts part of the sacrificial system? Is the seventh-day Sabbath a statute or a feast of the Lord? How many Sabbaths are there? What is the Sabbath blessing? Why do we keep one of the Sabbaths but not all? Did God cause the feasts to cease? How many laws are there? Were any laws abolished at the cross? What was nailed to the cross? Are the feasts shadows or types that end with the antitype? Should Christians keep the feasts? Will we keep the feasts in heaven or the new earth?


Current Itinerary for Pr Adrian Ebens in 2016
Wollongong April 2.
Passover in Widgee QLD, Australia. April 21-30: Details above.
Adelaide - May 7
Weekend meetings in Nürnberg, Germany July 9,10
Bible Training Program Perleberg, Germany July 25 - Sep 11. Perleberg is 2 hours north of Berlin. Please contact Jutta for details by visiting
Camp Meeting in Southern France. Sep 14 - 18. These meetings are organised by Marc and Elisabeth Fury. See their website for details.
Meetings in Zrenjanin, Serbia Sep 28-Oct 1. Contact Boris Subotin for details. Visit

These plans will adjust as required so please stay tuned for updates. We ask for the prayers of the brethren to help us as we undertake 2016 to share the joy of the gospel of Christ with all we meet.

Thank you!

Thank you to all those who support us with your prayers and gifts. We wish you all our Father's blessings in the name of the Lord Jesus. I pray that our Father will send with this newsletter a blessing upon your family and loved ones and that Christ will be sweeter to you each day. I pray that we all will stand together on the Sea of Glass and sing the song of Moses and the Lamb.


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