Maranatha Media

SDA Women's Ordination Crisis

Posted Jun 12, 2015 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
2,735 Hits

In this Issue

1. SDA Women's Ordination Crisis
2. March - May Mission Trip 2015
3. Feature Article: Stand by the Landmarks and Build on the Platform
4. Evangelism Training Programs in 2016
5. New booklet - Divine Pattern of Life

1. SDA Women's Ordination Crisis

At this years General Conference Session of Seventh-day Adventists there will be a vote concerning women's ordination to pastoral headship in ministry. The implications of this vote cannot be underestimated. In a recent presentation Pr Doug Batchelor from Amazing Facts raised some important points about the problem with Women's ordination.

1. It does not fit with the plain reading of Scripture
2. It is not supported by SDA History

This is his presentation on youtube

The consistency of these two points relates directly to the subject of the Son of God. As the position of the Son involves the principle of how headship works, it is directly related to the question of Women's Ordination. We have prepared this presentation drawing on comments from Pr Doug Batchelor, Pr Ted Wilson and Pr Stephen Bohr with an appeal to take these points to their logical conclusion.



2. March - May Mission Trip 2015

For most of the past three months we have been blessed to be able to travel and having meetings with believers in USA, Canada and Europe. It was a real blessing to once again travel with brother Igor and work together to share the gospel of Christ where Father would open the door for us.

In just over ten weeks we participated in ten camp meetings, took over 80 meetings in six countries, and witnessed many precious souls going forth in baptism in the precious name of Jesus our Lord. Read More...

3. Feature Article: Stand by the Landmarks and build on the Platform

Seven reasons why I affirm the Annual Sabbaths

At the time of the 1888 conference the General Conference president sent out the message that they should “stand by the landmarks” but in response Ellen White revealed the true situation.

In Minneapolis God gave precious gems of truth to His people in new settings. This light from heaven by some was rejected with all the stubbornness the Jews manifested in rejecting Christ, and there was much talk about standing by the old landmarks. But there was evidence they knew not what the old landmarks were. There was evidence and there was reasoning from the word that commended itself to the conscience; but the minds of men were fixed, sealed against the entrance of light, because they had decided it was a dangerous error removing the "old landmarks" when it was not moving a peg of the old landmarks, but they had perverted ideas of what constituted the old landmarks.  {CW 30.1} 



4. Evangelism Training Programs in 2016

In 2016 Maranatha Media will be running two Evangelism training programs. One in Terra Bella, California with BETV from April till June and the second one in Northern Germany from July till September. We are looking for people who wish to learn how to give Bible studies presenting the Third Angels message and also receiving training in door to door work, giving presentations and deeping your understanding of the Adventist message. The training will be based on the God's last Message of Love resource materials. [Download is 500Meg] Which includes many charts and studies designed to share the Three Angel's messages. There will also be an Evangelistic outreach program connected to each program. We are looking for 8-12 students for the mentoring program but also invite others who can attend on weekends to sit in on lecturers and assist in running the outreach programs. The outreach series will be based on the Identity Wars Series and the book Life Matters.

We also plan to run the Identity Wars evangelism series in Brisbane Australia in September of 2015. If you wish to help door knock or come to the preparation meetings leading up to this program please contact us. The meetings will be conducted over one weekend and are designed to establish contact for Bible studies to then be taken. Please pray for us as we seek to advance the gospel of Christ into several new places.


5. New booklet - Divine Pattern of Life

divine pattern of lifeUniversal patterns of life are all around us.

They come from the original Divine Pattern coming down from the Father, through the Son and is found at every level of life. Sun and moon, seed and plant, parent and child, king and country, Old Testament – New Testament, the Pattern of Source and Channel is the key.

A subversive, conflicting pattern has made its way into the lives of men, and women, and the hearts and minds of rulers and leaders. All must choose their pattern of life or death.

This new book is designed to share with anyone who is searching for truth. It shows how completely the human race has been made in the image of the Father and Son relationship. Click the link to download the book or contact us if you wanted printed copies.

The book is available in English, German, Serbian and soon will be available in French.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read this newsletter. Do you have a friend you would like to add to the newsletter mailout? Please contact us with details of those you believe would like to receive our Newsletter.


Thankyou for your prayers and support for Maranatha Media. We know that we are heading into very challeging times in many ways over the next 18 months. We are grateful to all those who desire to keep the commandments of God and keep the faith of Jesus.


Recent Articles and Resources

Video: At Risk of Eternal Loss by Pr Stephen Bohr
A wonderful presentation of the relationship of the Father and Son.

Video Series: Theos
Multi part series detailing the teaching of God and His Son. The series is up to part 6 with several more to come. Great to share with friends you wish to introduce to the truth about God.

Video Series: Identity Wars Revival Series
This the foundational series of Maranatha Media. If you have not seen this series and want to understand the Third Angels Message as expressed by the ministry this is the place to start.

Video Series: Tabernacles 2014 Camp meeting series in Terra Bella

There was a tremendous moving of the Spirit in this series and if you have not seen it.

Youtube channel
Vimeo Channel

God's Last Message of Love Evangelism KitThis is a large download. 510Meg

Downloadable Books

Bible Studies

Links - English - German - Serbian - Romanian - French

“Said the angel, "Think ye that the Father yielded up His dearly beloved Son without a struggle? No, no." It was even a struggle with the God of heaven, whether to let guilty man perish, or to give His darling Son to die for them.” EW 127 (1882)