Maranatha Media

The Relationship Between the Old and New Covenant Newsletter

Posted Feb 27, 2015 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
2,715 Hits

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. As we watch the progression of world events, I pray we will keep our spiritual eyes upon our precious mediator in the Most Holy Place. There are stern battles for each of us in dealing with our human weaknesses. If we have all knowledge of prophecy and Bible doctrine and have not the patient, gentle love of Christ we are nothing. It is the hunger of the human soul and its awareness of its great need that causes the prayer of faith to obtain the righteousness of Christ. Without seeing our great depravity before God, we cannot pray earnestly for grace to cover us and cleanse us. Those who feel their great need remain encouraged with the knowledge that no matter how deep the sin, Christ will not abandon anyone who calls out to Him in sincerity of heart knowing that He will not abandon His children.

These are themes that are upon my heart as I prepare to leave next month for the USA and Europe for a brief tour. The themes we will be presenting on are the investigative Judgment, the Laodciean Message and the righteousness of Christ manifested in loving family and community relationships. Here is a summary of the itinerary

March 20-22 Meetings in Grand Forks BC
March 27-29 Meetings in Missoula
April 4-11 – Meetings in Ocala.
April 18-19 Meetings in Collonges. France
April 22-26 Meetings in Turow, North Germany
April 30-May 3 Meetings in Zrejanin, Serbia.
May 7-10 Meetings in Ormindea, Romania
May 13-17 Meetings in Waldurn, South Germany
May 23-25 Meetings at Terra Bella, California

We ask for your prayers as Igor and I underetake this journey to share the love of the Father and His Son and to draw our minds to the themes that prepare us for the coming of Christ.

Website Upgrade

I have had plenty of feedback and I also agree that the current Maranatha Media website has become very difficult to navigate and find things. I have decided to spilt the website into two or three parts. All my articles, presentations, books and studies will be moved to so that they are all in one place and easier to find. The Maranatha Media website will become a resource site for all books, studies and resources. The blogging component will be transferred to a facebook group or something similar where things can be shared. It will take some time to complete the transition considering all the other tasks at hand. Quite a number of things have been moved to and you can view the site but we are continuing to develop the site over the coming months.

The Relation of the Old and the New Covenant

I have been studying, praying and contemplating on this subject for some time now. Here are my first formal thoughts on the subject and I approach it with some tentativeness because there are many aspects to consider. My main desire is to show that our understanding of God affects our understanding of the covenants and how we see them. I have put together two articles. The first is an introductory article on the history of the covenant question particuarly related to the influences on the early Adventist pioneers. The second article seeks to show the relationship between the two covenants in a source channel relationship rather than one being opposed to the other in the plan of salvation. I pray it will encourage study and further reflection on this subject

Introduction to the Covenants: A Historical Backdrop

The Relationship Between the Old and New Covenant

Sabbath Fountain

The Spirit of Prophecy tells us:

He who from the heart obeys the fourth commandment will obey the whole law. He is sanctified through obedience.  {6T 350.1} 

There is a direct link between Sabbath observance and the spirit of Sanctification. Why is this so? Check this presentation delivered this past week called Sabbath Fountain for more details.

Spreading the Gospel of the Third Angel

It is a blessing to see the messages of the beloved Son of God touching hearts and bringing souls into a deeper relationship with Christ each day. In the past month we have arranged for 1000 copies of English Life Matters to be printed in Northern India. We have 1000 copies of the Hindi edition of Identity wars in circulation. We hope to soon have the Russian edition of Identity Wars ready for printing and we have a brother working on a Russian edition of My Beloved. Last week I received this message from a viewer in South Africa

"I heard one of your messages on BETV and am astounded. The Lord led me to that programme as this is exactly what I am struggling with. Please advise where the book [Identity Wars] is available in South Africa as I would like to study each chapter and wait upon the Lord to make this real in my life."

I am thankful to the team at Bible Explorations for making the Identity Wars series presentation available on their Satellite network as well as other presentations.

We hope in the next month to have Return of Elijah printed in Serbian as well as Life Matters in German. In the past month we have been working on a new book called the Divine Pattern of Life which we will release in the next few weeks.

Thanks to your prayers and support we are now operating several websites, working with several translators and Bible workers all committed to sharing the message of the Third Angel. We thankyou for helping us to advance this work. If you would like to donate you can do so via paypal on or Otherwise contact us for other methods to send support.

Summit 2014 Messages by Pastor Stephen Bohr

I would encourage everyone who has not had the chance to watch presentations 2 to 4 especially of the Summit series he told late last year. Pr Bohr brings out some very important points that need to be heard. Please pray for pastor Bohr and his ministry in the coming months as he continues to present a Bible-based approach to the subject of Ordination and leadership in the church.

May our Father bless you and those close to you through the grace of Christ
Adrian Ebens



Articles and Resource Suggestions

Video: At Risk of Eternal Loss by Pr Stephen Bohr
A wonderful presentation of the relationship of the Father and Son.

Video Series: Theos
Four parts in the series detailing to teaching of God and His Son. The series is up to part 4 with several more to come. Great to share with friends you wish to introduce to the truth about God.

Video Series: Identity Wars Revival Series
This the foundational series of Maranatha Media. If you have not seen this series and want to understand the Third Angels Message as expressed by the ministry this is the place to start.

Video Series: Divine Pattern plus Power of Submission series
These Series expound on the book Divine Pattern and seeks to apply our understanding of the Father and Son to daily living in our communities.

Video Series: Talking Rock Oct 2013 - The Third Angels Message

There was a tremendous moving of the Spirit in this series and if you have not seen it, I encourage you to watch the presentation of the Third Angel in these meetings.

Youtube channel
Vimeo Channel

Article Series: Original Love

Download Books by Adrian Ebens

God's Last Message of Love Evangelism KitThis is a large download. 510Meg

Links - English - German - Serbian - Romanian - Spanish - French

“Said the angel, "Think ye that the Father yielded up His dearly beloved Son without a struggle? No, no." It was even a struggle with the God of heaven, whether to let guilty man perish, or to give His darling Son to die for them.” EW 127 (1882