Maranatha Media

"Though the Whole World Forget"

Posted Jul 27, 2022 by Sabrina Reedy in Everlasting Gospel
747 Hits

"Though the Whole World Forget"

April 2022

Though the whole world forget
The flowers cannot
But bear record of the wonders
Their Creator has wrought.

Bringing light out of darkness
As the earth was first born,
Though the family of heaven
Had been tragically torn.

Our Father spoke life
With pure love in His eyes
As He decorated the earth
From the sea to the skies.

Brought such beauty from nothing,
And all for the ones
Who He knew would reject Him,
Who He'd save by His Son.

Set great lights in the heavens,
For days, years, and seasons.
And the first cycle began,
His love the sole reason.

Each year His great calendar
Tells the whole story
Of our salvation, redemption,
And transport to glory.

How He frees us from bondage,
And saves us from sin,
Pours His Spirit from on high
To transform us within.

Puts a fire in our hearts
To share the news from above,
And walking as Christ did,
Become one in His love.

How He'll come to receive us,
Bring us to a new home
That our Saviour has promised
He'd prepare as our own.

The precious petals declare
A new year has begun,
Another cycle of the story
Of God's victory won.

They proclaim that our redemption
Grants the gift of new life;
Out of cold, stony ground,
Out of sadness and strife,

Bursts such beautiful colours,
Joyful, loving, serene,
As could never have been imagined
In the place we'd once been.

And these bright, lovely blooms
Promise soon-coming fruit,
If we don't faint in the work
God has called us to do.

And that work is quite simply
To believe on His Son.
To let His faith live through us,
Til our journey is done.

Is it a wonder that the enemy
Bids us forget,
What God longs to teach us
Through these special times set?

But we'll overcome by the testimony
Of such love, joy and peace,
As His ways fill our minds
And our burdens release.

As He calls "Come apart here,
And rest for awhile.
As I cleanse you, and heal you,
And remind you, My child,

That it is My power alone,
Which does all this work in you,
That what My Son has accomplished,
None can ever undo.

That no matter what chaos
Rears its head in this world,
Let Me be your Defender,
Let clenched fists be unfurled.

I've got you, you're safe.
I will never let go.
This one thing, beloved,
I most need you to know."

Will we let creation teach us
Of the One who loves most?
Who poured out all heaven
To bring us so close?

Let us delight in His statutes,
And rejoice in His Word,
And proclaim His great goodness
Til the whole world has heard.

See more of Sabrina's work here: